Gift Of The Ouijai

Gift Of The Ouijai

A Chapter by Edwina

A new year looms ahead, once more. Everyone celebrates.

Snow flurries arrived on December 29th, but Brenda wandered to the shop anyway. She had to embellish the "Train Gang" mannequins with party hats, noise makers, and confetti. The window had been a huge success, and the Newspaper featured the story in a respectful manner. They quoted Brenda's having said "It's good to remember those who are with us in Spirit."  Several women wandered in and out buying up sale items. A plate full of fancy cookies sat on the counter, along with a light "ladies punch" in paper cups.
Daniel phoned from his office and Brenda told him about her telepathic message to him. He said that it must have worked, because he was missing her "like crazy." As luck would have it, Caitlin was to be going away to Laurel December 30th with Grandma Mo and Henry, and that he, himself, would joining them at Uncle Dean's on the morning of the 31st, and returning on January 2nd at noon, "or so."
Brenda said that she would love to see him the night of the 30th, but didn't want the neighbors to be suspicious. He said that he would turn the lights on at his house, radio on as well, and leave the car parked in front of his place where Nosy Joy could see it. 
He could cross the railroad tracks, and "take the dark way." She suggested that he say hello to Mr. Blundon, and the 3 boys as he passed by the rails. He promised that he would.Seven O'clock was a perfect time to see his lover, and best friend.
Brenda  spent the following day at the Blundon house taking down Christmas things that were not essential, and would wait a week, and then ask Billy Shaw to help lug the boxes to the attic, and cart off her dried out Christmas tree. 
She left up the Tree, and lights, along with her many wreaths around town to welcome the New Year. She was determined to find out more about the Blundons. They intrigued her. Spirits had lives of their own, and were never obligated to cater to the living on a frivolous whim.
Daniel arrived at 7 PM, and embraced her like a big teddy bear. She had started a roaring fire, and he said that the memorial wreaths had snow on them by the tracks. He did say hello to the Boys, and Mr. Blundon, and that it didn't feel "awkward" at all. 
They shared a light dinner, and Daniel noticed that she hadn't opened his Christmas present. She said that she had one for him, and needed to open it when he opened his. She opened her package in front of the fire, and found a Ouija board. It was an old one, but different from Farleigh's. She promised that Daniel's board would be for the Blundon House. Daniel was amused that Farleigh had given her a board, as well.
Daniel's foil box contained a Swiss Watch engraved with the words "You Are The Best." He put it on, kissed her, and said "It's bed time, Brenda." The two headed to her bedroom, got undressed, all except for the watch. They made up for lost time, and many weeks of frustrations on both sides. Brenda didn't think of Farleigh much during the visit from Daniel. She knew that he was trying to reach Edwina in any way he could.
After making love, Daniel "needed to talk, and let off steam" in a "different way." He said that Caitlin was good to Henry when there were people around, but that she had pulled on his ears very hard one night while the 3 of them watched T.V. telling him they "stuck out like an elephant." Daniel wasn't sure how to handle her sometimes. 
Her moods were erratic, especially when she drank more than one drink. Brenda suggested he ask Gerard, his boss, what to do, since he had more experience with violent parents, or to perhaps see Dr. Sullivan. Brenda tried to stay out of Daniel's marriage problems, but she was in love with him. He also added that Caitlin threatened to move Henry to Baltimore if he didn't get her out of that "God damned" house. Daniel said it was all he could to to keep from "punching her lights out."
Brenda watched Daniel wander down the sidewalk toward the crossing back to his little house. Her grandfather clock struck midnight as he vanished into the darkness. When Brenda drifted off to sleep, she could only think about Farleigh.
C J Marks

© 2014 Edwina

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Added on January 9, 2014
Last Updated on January 9, 2014
Tags: love, infidelity, abuse, child, spirits, progress

The House On Oglethorpe Street



Dolan Springs, AZ

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