![]() Chapter OneA Chapter by EmilyONE
" A
couple days later I had gotten myself caught by the police. After
getting hauled off to jail, again, and getting in another court case, this time
the judge had made a decision. The judge had said he was sorry, and
that this was the only choice I had. They
could have just left me in prison for life, but no, they wanted to kill me at a
certain time. December 25th, 2013 was the time. I had been sentenced to H.I.D.E. The
worst thing that could happen to a kid, I’m serious, you do not want to end up
getting this as a punishment. H.I.D.E
stood for Houston Industrial Detention Execution, a death sentence for kids and
teenagers who had done many stupid things many times. It was convenient since
cops didn’t like chasing the same kid over and over for doing the same thing
over and over. Like me. I was a serial stabber. Although, this was my first murder and
I didn’t mean for it to get that far. The
person I had murdered used to be my best friend. He
had betrayed me for some girl he barely knew and it had made me very angry, I
felt replaced and unwanted. So
to make myself feel better, I had to hurt him; I had to make him feel the way I
felt. I had dragged him into the alley two
nights ago, yelled at him, screamed a little, hit him, and then I started
stabbing him. I
began to realize that I couldn’t stop, that my anger was overpowering me and
that I didn’t have the will to stop stabbing my best friend. When I had finally finished, it had
started raining, the police were coming, and I had went into hiding. It
didn’t last long, the hiding. The police had found me within the two days and
arrested me, taking me straight to jail. My parents had no say in what I got
sentenced to; in fact, I started to wonder if they had agreed with the
punishment I was given. And so now I was on a bus ride to
Houston, Texas, on my way to Juvy. The
ride was a long, but not boring ride. Houston
had lots of buildings, bright green grass, and a large lake. Sadly, where I was taking to was almost
out of Houston, right with the prison. There
wasn’t much there, just a few buildings and a barbed-wire electric fence. The place didn’t scare me as much as the
thought of me dying soon. The
Juvy I was going to be put in was much, much bigger than the one in my hometown
so I was a bit nervous.
The bus suddenly stopped after another fifteen minutes of driving and
the guard that was on the bus with me went over, unlocking my handcuffs and
grabbing my arm. He led me off the bus and took me
towards the main office. The
warm air was really nice, since it was freezing right now. The
guard led me to one of the chairs and he sat me down, cuffing one of the
handcuffs to the chairs arm. The chief came in and he took one
glance at me, and then looked back at his clipboard. “Thomas
Riley, am I correct?” He said. I
nodded once and looked down, here we go. The
chief slapped the file, which appeared to be mine, on the desk. “How are you feeling?” He asked me. I
didn’t look up; I just stared at my hands. “Um…well…” “I
know this must be tough, knowing you’re going to be executed in…” He paused
when he noticed my hands shaking. “Shut
up…” I muttered. The chief blinked. “Excuse me?” “Shut
up! I don’t want to talk about it, okay?!” The
guard sighed and the chief nodded slowly. “Alright then…well, you know why you’re
here…and what’s happening, so…let’s get you all ready.” The guard unlocked my hand cuffs once
more and led me to the changing room. There he handed me an orange jumpsuit, a
white t-shirt, a pair of socks and a pair of Vans that were old and dirty. I stripped down in front of him and
took off my shoes, putting on the t-shirt, the jumpsuit, and then the new pair
of shoes that were too small for me. The
guard nodded. “Ready?” I sighed a little. “No…” He took that
sarcastically and led me down the hall. We
had walked for a while, going passed rows and rows of rooms, cells, and other
places till we were finally in the Secured Area. “This
place is for the kids who are too violent. We place them here so they can’t
hurt anybody, and if you try to hurt yourself you will be sedated and strapped
to your bed. Do you understand me?” I nodded and swallowed hard. “Yes sir.” The
guard didn’t say anything and he led me to a door that had a few numbers on it.
unlocked the door and put me inside, laughing a little. “Welcome home, son.”
With that he closed the door, locking it. I heard another guard start talking. “Is
there finally someone in room 345?” The
previous guard laughed. “Yeah, with that kid who always stabs people…” “Oh!
Riley? That’s good, that’s good…” “Yeah,
let’s just hope he doesn’t do anything stupid.” I was furious; standing there by the
door and watching the two guards. I
sighed long and turned my back to the door, staring at my new room. There was a toilet, a sink, a tooth
brush and tooth paste. Plus the bed; which didn’t look very comfortable, and I
could see the straps hanging underneath it…and that didn’t look very inviting. I bit my bottom lip and sat down, staring
at the ceiling. Might as well get used to my surroundings. © 2010 EmilyAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on February 3, 2010 Last Updated on February 3, 2010 Tags: Fiction, young adult, suspense Author