The Argon Outbreak

The Argon Outbreak

A Story by Brian C. Alexander

We arrived at the D.U.H.C. Facility Compound around six o’clock that night. We had gotten reports of a chemical spill, but we weren’t sure what we’d really come across. My partner and I had been called on so many bizarre missions before and we figured this one would be no different. It was supposed to be a simple evacuation aid. We were to go in, find who we could and get them past the gates of the facility. The night was coming and we knew there would be ensuing chaos. We never actually thought we’d have to end up shooting our way out. Once we arrived the attacks began. If that outbreak would have never happened the truth about the D.U.H.C. Corporation would have remained secret forever.

When my partner and I arrived the grounds were crawling with scientists and other staff, all with blue glowing eyes. They had these mechanical devices strapped to the back of their heads. The second they saw us they’s come sprinting. We… we had no choice but to gun them down. They wouldn’t stop attacking. The gate behind us locked and we couldn’t ram our car through it to escape. We would have risked whatever these things were getting out into the public. So my partner and I pressed forward to see if we could get to the bottom of this whole thing. We did eventually find that the reports were false, or at the very least, incorrect. Everyone who was going mad had these metallic objects strapped onto them and they seemed to be being controlled.

We made our way through the compound and attempted to find the main labs. It wasn’t all that hard. We just followed the signs. Earlier in the night we’d already accepted that calling for backup wasn’t going to happened. This compound killed any chances for contacting the outside world. Not even the radios within the buildings had any feed. We made our way down all the main halls and came across so many horrific sights. Humans being combined with machines. It was awful. Bodies were put in freezers. Bits of metal looked as if they grew on flesh, replacing skin, turning veins and bone into copper and wiring. They were making people into machines! Killer machines!

They had no mind or will of their own. The only one in the facility who appeared to be alive was the founder and owner of the compound. A Mister Doctor Henry Nogah. The further we reached into the compound the more frequently he began to transmit messages to us, taunting us at first, about his creations. The workers. The further we came to catching him the more he became more interested in sharing the origins and reasoning behind his work with us. We had many thoughts that night. Reoccurring fears, like whether we were going to make it out of there alive or not. We killed so many people that night. By eight o’clock we had gotten down to these secret chambers and parts of the facility we were sure nobody outside the corporation knew about.

We fought through varying forces of these transformed workers. Some were completely cyborgs, complete with weaponry attached to their bodies. What was happening here was ungodly. We eventually caught up with Doctor Nogah in this room with a large green pool. In it floated see-through bags with human bodies inside of them. After all we’d seen that night me and my partner tried our damnedest not to take our attention off Nogah and bringing him into headquarters. We pursued him through some corridors and became blocked off by one of his zombified androids. We gunned it down and finally came to his office. His lab. His dead end. Nogah congratulated us on our efforts and told us that all we had done to get to him was void of purpose.

He showed us that he’d created a being of his own. The ultimate machine that would have the power to destroy the Earth. This super android was to be released at midnight. This outbreak of Nogah’s creations was meant as the creature’s parting gift. But the doctor had delayed awakening his creation. He did this so my partner and I would be the first to witness it’s power and die by it. Finally. It happened. My partner lost it and in a split second gunned down Nogah as he reached for the crank to awaken his creation. The doctor died laughing as he did, in fact, build up enough strength to pull the device that began his ultimate creation’s animation process. As it awoke we spent the last of our bullets trying to put it down.

The android was indeed powerful, but it was mindless. It just began to scream out, smash and rush into things. Finally it had made it’s way over to oxygen tanks that were set up in the corner of the lab. My partner and I took cover as we knew it was only a matter of seconds before the rampaging creature, standing nine feet tall, smashed everything he could lay his hands on. Fire was everywhere and finally there was the explosion. Everything when white. Like I told the last few guys, the explosion must have knocked us up through the facility, cause next thing we know we’re on the roof and my partner is laying next to me with a metal shard of the cyborg’s head planted in his stomach.

The creature was dead sure, but so was my partner. Your men tell me he bled out shortly after you guys picked us up off the roof. I think it was about six a.m. when you guys got us, right? Can’t believe I survived all that. Guess I’m gonna be going on a little vacation after this, huh? Yeah. I knew working for the FBI was gonna be weird, but I never thought it was gonna be… well, this. Mad scientists. Cyborgs, zombie robots, the reanimated dead, all of it just hit me in one night. I have a feeling there’s way more to all this than the higher ups like to lead on. Well, maybe I will stick around. Maybe I will stay on and join this secret battle that seems to be brewing. God knows what will come of it all.

© 2017 Brian C. Alexander

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Added on March 9, 2017
Last Updated on March 9, 2017