She’d always have these urges, but she would never follow through. Looking out into the busy street, she would wonder what would happen if she ran out fearlessly.She’d ponder, but at the end of the day she would still look both ways. Feeling the water brush up against her toes, she would wonder what would happen if she dove in, but never came back up. She’d ponder, but at the end of the day, she would emerge. These urges were always there, riding copilot with her everywhere she went. Whispering in her ear how easy it would be to end everything. Or to end everyone. She would tell herself she’d never do such a thing. But why were these voices still here? They seemed to be getting louder everyday. Every Time an opportunity same afront for her to cause chaos to herself or others, there was a timebomb in her chest. It would never go off, but every time a second counted down, her chest would get tighter.
She looked up to the world above her, then looked at the dark world around her, and said her apologies that she gave in to her voices...