Immortal Love

Immortal Love

A Poem by Charles Sapp II

I once experienced a time when the future was clouded with doubt as thick and complex as hurricane clouds. This poem is the testament that the Sun does break away the clouds and the purity of light penetrates the darkness, it may come in different luminou

Before I knew her,
my life was forever affected
and the serum for recovery was her love.

Spiral staircases leading nowhere
amid a labyrinth maze without outer walls;
caught in the confusion with no direction,
lost among the wanderers, fading within the shadows defined by distance.
A dream interpreted by the crossroads of life
and the transitions of opportunity developed by choice;
well constructed by the confrontation of fear
and the defeat of disability and mental paralysis.

With eyes closed, space expands infinite without limitations and physical barriers.
The oceans appear deeper and the sky is wider;
later realizing that the power lies within.
I take a deep breath and travel inward,
swimming through the dark waters within self
and reach the center of light that has dimmed to a faint glint.

Distorted images pervade my awareness—in remembrance.
Her warmth revived my spirit.
Her touch reassembled my broken trust.
Her kiss breathed new life to a tired body,
that could no longer hurdle any more of life’s obstacles, let alone take another step.
Her presence resurrected a revised me;
metaphorically re-engineered with faith, confidence and strength of will.

With starlit candles,
I want to celebrate our love,
basking in the moonlight as her eyes glow and dance to my eyes;
the jewel of my life.
Romantically enthralled and captivated by graceful maneuvers, waltzing with my soul,
as we double date with our emotional and physical love.
Love so potent, it cannot be extracted
as it clings to the surface of our fused hearts.
My love for her is timeless,
I will plant a field of her,
to bear fruit of future seeds;
therefore making her immortal.

© 2008 Charles Sapp II

My Review

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Beautiful and very romantic! And i agree that most of our power, and love and life and hapiness is inside us: " With eyes closed, space expands infinite without limitations and physical barriers. /The oceans appear deeper and the sky is wider; "... and we must always : "...take a deep breath and travel inward,
swimming through the dark waters within self " to clean them and brighten them! ~

Posted 16 Years Ago

Captivating, to say the very least. Beautifully engrossing imagery:) It is impossible not to love this piece:)

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 2, 2008


Charles Sapp II
Charles Sapp II

San Jose, CA

A poet inspired by the ebb and flow of life and their interaction upon mankind. I compose to release this energy upon those that are receptive. more..
