...And The Blood Cries Out

...And The Blood Cries Out

A Story by 1blaquote

Then the Lord said to Cain, "where is Abel your brother"? He said, I do not know. "Am I my brother's keeper"? Gen. 4:9,10,11






Ethnic Cleansing

Sunrise 2003 Sunset 2011

Here Lies The Souls Of The Unrest!

Over 300,000 Men Women and Children killed...

"What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries

out to me from the ground. So now you are cursed from the earth,

which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hands".
















How many will be killed today?

© 2011 1blaquote

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It sickens me. Your words are so powerful , but where in the hell is the United Nations ? This is what they are for. I feel totally helpless, and they are going through it now! I love my country , but where are they ? We send money and food that is stolen by whoever gets to it first. Where are ALL the free countries ? It seldom hits the news. It should be the lead story every night.
We saw the same thing happened in Rwanda where 800,000 human being were slaughtered. Now it's the National Islamic Front from Khartoum that are bombing innocent villiages. I read where there's three million people involved in this genocide , who will die. It's a holocaust relived. It is beyond a disgrace. Rain..

Posted 17 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


This is the most true and powerful thing i have read all day!! I am trying to hold a fudraiser to raise money for Darfur and the genocide in Africa but for some reason there is a lack of knowledge about it and a lack of concern! People( at my school) think they it is somebody elses problem but they wouldnt say that if they knew the whole story! I hope these words you have written have touched many people because it has touched me to know that their are people who care!

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Your words are so powerful in this. Stop this genocide.

Posted 17 Years Ago

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it is compltly and disgustingly sad that people can do such a thing you have the power to show people all of these things just through those few words i am proud

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Powerful! There is no other way to describe this. The visual set up of the poem is equally as powerful 1blaquote

Collectively, we have to unite while we can willingly before we forced together ...The killings the product of all these privileged folk callously executing acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing wherever they want to steal , rape, plunder and take control of.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nicely done. A topic that deserves much more attention than it gets.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

It is by Grace we have a voice to protest and you are right to exercise yours.

Urgent action is necessary; the Long-awaited peace talks between Sudan's government and rebel groups from the country's war-torn Darfur region begin in the Libyan port city of Sirte Saturday 27th October (yes now). However, before negotiations have even started, an upsurge in fighting; together with signs of increasing splits on both sides of the negotiating table and certain insurgents boycotting the talks, have dealt a body blow to any faint hopes of success.

Note: One positive way to get involved is to help cut off financial support for the government-sponsored violence in Darfur. Please check out this site if you are interested; SaveDarfur.org

God's Blessing

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Speak it baby. This right here, is the truth.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You are definitely a humanist and a voice of passion and for action in so many of your writings. This is a powerful piece about a subject that I've known about and sadly seen so little done about in the world. It's typical of so many other holocausts throughout history. Some get publicity and much needed help and other don't. The same with girls who are kidnapped. A white girl will get full press coverage, while a black girl won't. Inhumanity to man has been the blight of the human race from Cain and Abel's time, hopefully that will change soon.

Great work here, my friend. :)

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

formidably presented. Powerful writing. Inescapable clear message in this one. Thanks to J for sending it my way.

Posted 17 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Evil....is rampant unleashed....
And....is stopping no time soon...

We cannot stand aloof and do nothing......
It took so long for NATO to kick in after 3 years of "ethnic cleansing" in Bosnia ...hundreds of thousand of Muslims later !

IN Rowanda.....we pulled out "American" persoel and left over 800,000 Tutsis to die in only 100 days..( left them defenseless- to die ! )

In Germany ,Poland & Russia Millions of Jews died .... horrific slow deaths!

During the Vietnam war era- ( the Killing fields) in Cambodia ...who knows how many...?

In the ukraine/Soviet Union.... Stalin killed what portion of over 6 million he couldn't starve

Japan....in China

need I mention
drug cartels in South America
diamond trade- in Africa

So many more....

Historically .... an agent of evil ....rises to power
attempting obliteration to acheive complete control

We need to utilize the international power and resources to end the genocide...oppression and abuse of Gods people.

Aa awesome and profound and excellent use of your gift !!!


Jen .... sending it to the masses

Posted 17 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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18 Reviews
Added on February 20, 2008
Last Updated on August 6, 2011



Detroit, MI

I am a self-published author of "Speak It Loud," a collection of 22 poems filled with food for thought. I am a self proclaimed activist in my community. I am a parent of 3 beautiful children. I beca.. more..

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