One hour, two hours, three hours, four.
This can't be happening, I mean, just an hour before...
Five hours, six hours, seven hours, eight.
What just happened? I can't remember the date.
One day, two days, three days, four.
Grandma died recently. That's what I came here for.
Five days, six days, seven days, eight.
I wonder how she's doing? Has she passed Heaven's gate?
One month, two months, three months, four.
I can't stop crying. Memories of you keep flooding, more and more.
Five months, six months, seven months, eight.
I'm sorry for acting so spoilt, grandma, but I guess now it's... too late.
One year, two years, three years, four.
Your death doesn't matter to me, no, not anymore.
Regardless of time, I still see your face.
You'll be in my heart forever, grandma, and remember, that's <ALWAYS>.