

A Poem by lady pilot

i know a lot of teen's face these kind of emotions and thoughts so it really isn't very original but oh well :)


The thought I had was fleeting and past quickly, like a single beat of a humming bird’s wing. But it was strong, like a flame in the night.

It started at my feet, a warm dull feeling, like stepping into a bath that had been sitting out for a little too long.

I want to leave.

It traveled to my knee like branches of a willow tree wrapping around me.

I could run.

As it went up to my belly button I thought,

I feel like a caged moth, fluttering and dancing and pounding around with really no objective but to go. I have to go.

Then went to my rib cage, cold and stabbing, like a tiny subway.

Oh Emily, your being silly. Every teen thinks about this. And none of them ever do it!

Then went to my shoulders.

I could pack up right now… and just leave. I could.

Went down my arms like a wet fall day

Kids who really do do this only are gone for a little while... Why should I be different?

Then went up my neck to my chin

But I still could.

And to my fore head in a rush, like when you stand up too quickly.

But I won’t.

And rushed out of my head in a small explosion of sputtering fire.

But I could.

And I smiled, slightly slyly.

I could.

© 2013 lady pilot

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"I feel like a caged moth, fluttering and dancing and pounding around with really no objective but to go. "
I like the energy and the desire the poem. The above lines I like a lot. The good description create vision of dreaming and hoping for a escape. I did like the ending. "I could."
Thank you for the excellent poetry

Posted 11 Years Ago

lady pilot

11 Years Ago

oh! im so glad you liked that line because i put a lot if work in to that one to make it sound the w.. read more

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1 Review
Added on June 12, 2013
Last Updated on June 12, 2013
Tags: Rebellion, Running away, Teen


lady pilot
lady pilot

Taylorsville, KY

My name is Emily, hello there. Ive got some demons, Ive got some addictions. Ive got some words, so stick around. more..
