Chapter 11: Bea Harris

Chapter 11: Bea Harris

A Chapter by Zoë

Mandie had been working at breaking the lock on the door to the restricted section since last night, but so far still no luck. At least now she could say what type of lock it was: Power lock. The hardest type to break because it required you to put ungodly amounts of energy through it before it opened. At least that way people who weren’t Commanders wouldn’t get inside Mandie acknowledged ruefully. She’d need help to get into this room and she knew it, she just didn’t feel like asking.

So, instead of doing that, she’d spent her morning looking over some of the books Sebastian had suggested, minus Things that Go Bump in the Night of course. She didn’t see how pouring over the Academy Graduation records from the past few centuries could help in her search, but she was out of other leads. And low and behold, there was a name she hadn’t expected in the graduating class of 2011, though she didn’t know why it was so surprising.

Kiyan Statson, only the second exorcist in that family line, yet she had graduated Valedictorian of the class. Mandie had helped train her for awhile, both before she graduated and a little bit after, but she’d never realized that she had been that high up in her class. Top ten, sure, but top top? She guessed it helped explain how she had moved up to Upper First class just two short years after she had graduated, but it was still weird.

People with short family lines should be that powerful, and they certainly shouldn’t be able to move up that quickly with the lack of defense that Kiyan had. Honestly, almost a full year working with her to increase her defense but that girl never once seemed to improve. She had always been adamant that she didn’t need to worry about it, and Mandie had always tried to convince her that a strong defence was an exorcists best friend. Even the smallest amount could save her life one day, but she’d just ignored the advice.

Mandie could feel the morning librarian moving towards her before she could hear any sign of movement. Was it really morning already? Well, what was it Chase was always saying: sleep is overrated. She turned to the door and cast a light spell on it, covering up the marking she had burned into the wood. She just had to hope that whoever was working this morning wasn’t good at detecting invisibility spells.

The sound of boots on the wooden floor moved through the bookshelves towards Mandie, but she was already back to reading her book. She most certainly wasn’t hiding anything, there was absolutely no way she was trying to break into the restricted section. She just liked to read record books in the back of the library from dusk till dawn, obviously.

“I’d heard you were in town,” the silvery voice whispered. Well, speak of the devil. Mandie hadn’t expected to see Kiyan working on the Society grounds, much less in the library. Hadn’t she been working at some Hotel up in Oregon?

“Where’d you hear that?” She asked, though she bet the Commander had told her either last night or this morning.

“My dad told me. He saw you last night, remember.” She set a coffee cup next to the book Mandie had laying open on the table in front of her, “I thought you might need this. I can’t say it’s very good but it’s got caffeine, which you could probably use a lot of.”

Mandie gratefully took a sip of the coffee, it was a bit too sweet, but she could live with that. Especially since Kiyan normally put six or seven sugars in her coffee, this was a welcome relief. “So, does everyone know that I pulled an allnighter?” Exorcists did love to gossip.

“Mmmm,” she mulled over the question for a few seconds, “I’m pretty sure just me and the night guy. After all, he was the one to lock the doors at eleven, and well, I was the first one to open them just a few minutes ago. But I could tell everyone if you want me to,” she teased.

Mandie laughed, “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t. Although, you could tell me why you’re working as a librarian.”

“Now that is a long story, but I won’t waste your time with unimportant details. Basically my dad just wanted me here for the holidays, and how could I resist when I’m pretty sure this is the first time he’s ever admitted that he cares about me,” she joked. “Besides, the Hotel I work at is currently closed for renovations, so I figured what the hell, might as well.”

“I’m sure your dad’s not that bad.” Was he emotionally distant? Sure. But Mandie was pretty sure this could’ve been the only time he’d expressed that he cared about Kiyan. After all, he’d ended up listening to the Commander after he’d mentioned that whatever they were discussing involved her.

“Yeah, I’m sure he cares deeply,” she scoffed, “he just doesn’t show it, right?” Mandie didn’t know how to respond, until the blonde started laughing. “Sorry, that’s just how it is with him. He’s never much been the touchy feely type, but I know he cares. Anyway, I should get back to opening up the library, just call me if you need anything.”

“Oh, yeah, I did have a question for you actually, I just didn’t think I’d actually get to ask you any time soon,” she saw how Kiyan could’ve been Valedictorian, but it didn’t make sense. Kiyan’s class only had ten or twelve people in it, and all of them were extremely talented, so how had she ended up on top?

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“How did you graduate top of your class?” Easier to cut right to the chase, exorcists do have a nasty habit of get distracted and off topic.

“Well that’s easy to answer,” she looked confused, more confused than just explain her powers. “I wasn’t, I graduated second.”

“You did? Who was first?” That was still higher than Mandie would’ve put her, but it was better.

“Uh, I think Gladio took first. He was definitely valedictorian material, there’s no way I was. I figured you would’ve known that since my defence is crap.”

“Yeah, that’s why I was asking. But this book has got you in as first, see,” Mandie angled the book so Kiyan could look at it. Something flashed through her eyes, but it was gone in an instant.

“That’s super weird,” Kiyan said, but it sounded a little more forced than usual. “I’ll look into it, but chances are there was just a misprint, thanks for catching that,” she smiled nervously then turned and strode away before Mandie could ask her anything else.

That was undoubtedly weird, there was no denying that. Sure it was uncommon for the Academy to make a mistake, but did it really warrant a reaction that serious? Before Mandie could over think it her phone freaked her out by buzzed loudly against the wooden table in the silent room. She scooped it up quickly and read the name on the scene. Bea Harris. Well it was about time, she’d left that message almost three days ago. At least now she’d be able to confirm her theories about Alice.

She answered, “Hey Bea, thanks for-”

“Cut the s**t Mana, I told you not to call me so this better be pretty damn important.”

Mandie nodded, she knew that Bea couldn’t see her, but it made her feel better for some reason. “Spiritualist named Alice Cathal, is she who I think she is?”

The other end of the line was silent for a few moments, “Depends, where?”

“Tacoma, Washington.”

There was a sigh, “Is that where you’re stationed now? Or were you just passing through?”

“It’s where I’m stationed, along with-”

“Does it sound like I care about who else is with you?” Her voice was deadpan on the other end of the line.

“I don’t know, but it might make you feel better if I told you I’m with an apprentice and two freelancers,” Mandie bit back.

“It doesn’t really. Not with you there anyway.” Bea paused for a moment, then appologised, “As I’m sure you can imagine it’s been a hectic week. Yes, she is who you think she is. But why’d you call me instead of Cara?”

“I would’ve loved to call her, but, unfortunately, your number was much more accessible. Plus, you’re the one who would’ve known either way.”

There was a soft chuckle on the other end of the line, “You’ve got a point. But hey, I would appreciate you keeping this quiet, for all our sakes. The second the society finds out about her everything is going to explode. And I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t want to deal with that.”

“I figured, that’s why I’m trying my hardest to make sure she stays out of the system until you or Cara says otherwise. Though her spirit certainly is going to make that quite a feet,” Mandie sighed. Even though Nia is an entity all her own, she is tied to Alice. Mandie can’t bring the Society’s attention to Nia without alerting them to Alice, that was the real struggle.

“Her spirit?”

“Yeah, her summoning spirit’s really weird. If I hadn’t seen her for myself I would been certain that she was a Curse Spirit, but apparently she’s not. It’s really weird, there’s something familiar about her but I just can’t place it,” Mandie rambled.

“What do you mean her summoning spirit?” Bea asked, her voice wavering on the other end.

“What do you mean what do you mean? She’s a Summoner so what else could I mean?”

“No she’s not.”

“What?” Mandie asked, there was no way Alice wasn’t a Summoner. The way her power moved, the natural intuition and adaptability, hell, she even had a summoning sign!

“Alice is a Tamer, just like her mom. Trust me, I’ve been reading her powers since she was three, there’s no way she’s not.”

Mandie looked back to the books that sat across from her, the other ones Sebastian had recommended. That had to be the answer. Nia was so strange because she wasn’t actually a summoning spirit, she was just a spirit that happened to be around when Alice’s powers activated.

“I’m sorry Bea, I’ve got to call you back. I think you just solved my problem.”

“Wait, Ma-” Mandie ended the call and pulled out Wessler’s Guide to Psychic and Paranormal Phenomena. If anything held answers to what Nia was it was going to be this book. Mandie flipped through the glossary until she found the section on Tamers. She flipped to that section and delved into all of the anomalies that could arise between Tamers and spirits.

Extra spirits, fewer spirits, faulty connections, reversed energy, everything except accidental summoning signs. From what Mandie knew, summoning signs only came from Summoner relationships, there was no way for a Tamer to have one. So how could Alice be a Tamer?

Bea had to be wrong. But there was no way she could be, she was one of the best clairvoyants the Society had ever employed. As far as Mandie knew she’d never guessed someone’s powers wrong. But there could be a first time for everything, right? No matter how impossible it seemed?

There was a chance that Nia was a summoning spirit, but she belonged to someone else. That could account for the summoning sign and the strained connection, but was that even possible? Would that mean that she’s still summoning spirit or would she be counted as a Connector? And if the latter, what would that mean for Alice?

She looked back at the restricted section, it could wait. She needed to get back home now, before anything bad happened. At least Bea was keeping an eye on Alice, thank the gods for that.


“Yeap,” Chase droned into his phone as he paced across the room, “Alright… I understand… yeah… mm’kay… see you soon… yeap… I’m practically walking out the door… yes… fine…” he rolled his eyes, “I understand… I won’t bring the bike… yes, I’m grabbing the car keys… alright,” he ended the call and took a deep breath, “Well, Mandie’s back, and she’s a little mad that we picked up the car from the airport the other day.” He frowned at his phone, like he could somehow convey his feelings to Mandie if he stared at it long enough.

“What? She wasn’t supposed to be back till tomorrow morning,” Jackson said, looking up from a book on Summoning he had borrowed from Mandie’s room.

“Yeah, well, she’s back early. I gotta go get her, since she ‘obviously can’t drive’ herself back,” he said with air quotes around the words Gale assumed Mandie had said over the phone. “Also, sadly, she want’s me to pick her up in said car,” he frowned, “So, if you guys could finished cleaning up the place that would be great. Oh, also, Jackson-”

“I’m on it,” he said casually, setting down the book and moving over to the laptop.

Chase walked out the door, Jackson sat quietly at the computer, and Gale was left watching tv on the couch. He looked at the apartment, it was already clean, only because Jackson was a neatfreak. Which really meant that the apartment was only clean wherever Mandie wasn’t around because she was the only one that could leave a mess without getting reamed by Jackson.

Gale sat up, “What are you on?”

“Found a job,” he replied shortly.

Gale rolled off the couch and walked over to the computer, “Big job or small job?”

“I found a mini job that Mandie can use to get Alice introduced to our line of work, and I found a serious job that we can all go do after that one,” Jackson sighed. Normally he didn’t like to be interrupted, actually he didn’t like to be talked to in general, but Gale was board.

With Mandie out of town he hadn’t been able to do much. He wasn’t really a ‘go outside and do things’ person, he was more of a ‘stay inside and focus on his hobbies’ kinda guy. But he’d run out of stuff to do in the first eight hours she was gone, and there was no way he’d even think about borrowing books from her personal library. She would know if he had, even if he put it back the exact way he had found it. She always knew.

“So, what are the jobs?” Since the school job Gale was all hyped up for more action, preferably of the kind he could actually help with. He still had no idea how Chase and Jackson had convinced Mandie to take on a level three spirit with her sick. Gale couldn’t talk to level three spirits so there was no way he’d be able to help out, and Mandie couldn’t even use her powers, so it would’ve been completely up to them if they had gotten into trouble.

Which they had. And, granted, they probably would’ve handled it masterfully if it had just been one poltergeist, but it had been seven. Which was odd, but Gale wasn’t questioning it. It was best not to think about it.

“Well, for the small one we’ve got a low level haunting out at Hal’s place. Just some average dark spirit that decided to possess one of his employees. But the other job is a bit more interesting,” Jackson trailed off ominously with a devious grin hinting one his lips.

Oh no. It wasn’t poltergeists again, was it. Gale didn’t know if he could deal with that again so soon. He was here for training, he didn’t like feeling useless. “What do you mean interesting?”

“Well, it appears that one of your Hotels up in Bellingham is having a little bit of trouble with a high level spirit,” Jackson smiled.

“You’re joking,” Gale chuckled, “They really asked us for help?”

“Yep, they said they needed the most qualified Purison around up there as quickly as possible, even if it meant bringing along people who aren’t exorcists. I told them we would be up there on Wednesday or Thursday, depending on when Mandie got back, and of course they graciously thanked us for our help.”

“That’s amazing!” Gale was ecstatic, he’d actually be getting to do some real work. Actual exorcist type work! With other exorcists, besides just Mandie. “You have any idea who’s working there now?” If he was lucky, super lucky, there might be another Purison stationed up there. Though if that was true they wouldn’t need to call one in from down state, but Gale could keep his hopes up.

“I’m pretty sure they’ve got a Tamer stationed there right now, sorry. But it’ll be a good experience for Alice and Nia,” Jackson said.

Gale shrugged, it would be a good experience for them, and it’d be good for him either way. “Ah, well,” he wasn’t really disappointed, or shocked. Purison’s were super rare anyway, that’s why he was training with Mandie instead of someone who actually shared his abilities.

“Hey, you never know,” Jackson tried to say cheerfully--he sucked at it. “Maybe another Purison will get called in too?”

“Maybe, but I doubt it. Supposedly there are only ten of us in the states right now, so what’s the chance of another one being in our area?”

“Statistically speaking I’d say a little under one percent.”

“Haha, very funny,” Gale droned as he flopped back onto the couch. “What’s the problem?”

“What do you mean?” Jackson had turned his attention back to the computer.

“What’s the problem at the Hotel, like, what spirit is giving them issues?” Gale had worked at the Hotel in Bellingham for a few weeks last spring, and he couldn’t remember there being any troublesome ghosts there. Not like the Hotel down in Oregon, that one was full of nothing but powerful spirits that didn’t listen to anyone.

“No clue, they didn’t say. Though I’m pretty sure it’s a fire one, since a lot of the damage was caused by fire, but that could mean nothing…” he trailed off.

Gale reached the same conclusion Jackson had only moments after. Not all fire damage is caused by fire spirits, it could just be a powerful ghost like a poltergeist or something, though poltergeists weren’t normally found on Hotel properties. If Gale were a betting man he would’ve put him money on fire over pure power. But you never know, the Hotel could’ve picked one up after he left, it wasn’t like it was impossible to find one there.

Either way, it would probably be good to have a Summoner on their team for this, as well as a Mage. But apart from that, Gale was pretty excited that he’d actually get to use his abilities on this job. He’d be there to talk with the spirit, which Nia could help with if she felt like it. Although, from what Gale had seen of Nia’s attitude he didn’t know if he would trust her with calming down an angry ghost. For all he knew she could just make it worse, it was like she thrived on chaos. But, he did have to admit that she had kept it to a minimum while they were talking to her, and she’d always cooperated with Alice.

But that didn’t mean she’d do what was best for the group when the time came. He figured that was why Mandie was taking them on a small job first. It made sense, she needed to know how the two of them would act under pressure. Alice, at least, seemed pretty calm under pressure. Well, she’d been calm when they’d told her that ghosts were targeting her and she hadn’t freaked out after that as far as Gale knew.

But Nia would be the real wild card. Gale just didn’t know how she’d act, if what he had seen so far was anything to go on she’d be terrible at this. Which wasn’t all that uncommon for summoning spirits since they were just normal people. It wasn’t their fault they had been murdered or forced to stay on this side of the Fracture to work with people who who exorcised ghosts for a living. However, the case would be different with Nia. She had power. Insane amount of power that Gale couldn’t understand.

Mandie had said that it was because she was actually a poltergeist, but Gale didn’t believe that. She didn’t act like one, and she certainly didn’t look or feel like one. Poltergeists don’t have emotions, but Nia certainly did. She’d smiled, and laughed, and frowned, just like a normal human. Poltergeists couldn’t do that, at least not to the level of accuracy Nia had. On top of that, she didn’t have the same look, her soul still glowed with life, while poltergeists souls were often dark or clouded.

But her power and abilities made her dangerous. And the fact that Mandie had lied about what she was made him worry, perhaps more than necessary, but it seemed like the right thing to do. If she was a summoning spirit Mandie would’ve just said so, but she hadn’t. She’d felt compelled to fib about what Nia was, saying that she was a poltergeist of all things. What could be so threatening about her that passing her off as a dangerous, blood thirsty spirit was better?

What exactly was Mandie trying to cover up? And how much trouble would Gale get in if he dug deeper?

Gale was alerted by the unmistakable sound of car doors slamming outside the building. He glanced at his watch, if Chase had driven both ways then they had gotten back way too early. But, if Mandie had demanded that he let her drive back, well, then they were actually a little late.

Gale could hear the pleasant chatter outside through the walls before the door squeaked open with the accompanying jingle of too many keys on a single key ring.

“He picked you up and dropped you back off?” Chase said, from the tone of his voice Gale could tell that he didn’t believe Mandie’s story. “Doesn’t he have better things to do? Because he really should have better things to do.”

“Who did what now?” Gale asked, thankful for any company that wasn’t Jackson. Not that Jackson was bad or anything, it’s just that he wasn’t good company. Or any company for that matter. He prefered to be seen but not talked to, or looked at, or regarded in any way, shape, or form.

“The Commander felt is was appropriate to pick me up from the airport and drop me back off, and to answer your question Chase, yes, he does have better things to be doing.” Mandie was obviously tired. Gale could hear it not only in her tone of voice, but also in the sluggish way her energy moved around her skin. Gale was pretty certain that she had pulled an all nighter.

“Wait, our Commander?” Gale asked, he’d never heard of him doing something like that. Sure it was common knowledge that he and Mandie were acquaintances, but why would he’ve picked her up if he had better things to do?

“Yes, our brilliant Commander Syn believed that it was in his best interest to accompany me to and from the airport instead of attending important meetings or promotion ceremonies.” It was rare for Mandie to refer to the Commander by name, last name at that. He must’ve really been acting like an idiot. Actually, Gale wasn’t surprised. He’d met the Commander a total of three times and had only ever come away with the impression that the guy was a complete doofus.

“I’m shocked,” Gale replied simply, knowing that she would catch his sarcasm. “Who got promoted?”

“No clue,” Mandie replied as she walked into the kitchen. A few moments later she emerged with a bowl full of chocolate cereal and a red apple. “Wasn’t anyone in our area so I wasn’t really interested. Actually, that’s probably why the Commander didn’t want to go,” she shrugged.

“I’m just shocked that he actually pick you up,” Chase chuckled. Only Gale and Mandie had meet that Commander, so the cousins only knew about him from the stories Mandie had told. Meaning they thought that he was pretty intimidating guy who was normally only ever focused on his current job. They were dead wrong.

“You guys really need to meet him some day,” Gale replied trying to keep a straight face, but couldn’t help laughing at his mental image of how well Chase and the Commander would get along. It certainly would be a sight to see. “Anyway, Mandie, did you find what you were looking for?”

He was genuinely curious. There had to have been a good reason for her to pull an all-nighter and come back almost two days early.

“Not even close,” she said oddly happily, “Hit a dead end about three hours in, looked around a bit more after that, but still found nothing on the Nia front.”

“Then why are you back early?” Jackson asked without diverting his attention from the computer.

“And why do you sound so happy?” Chase voiced Gale’s thoughts exactly.

“I found an much more interesting lead that required my immediate return,” she yawned, ending the conversation and looked at her watch. “What time am I supposed to pick up Alice for the small job you found?”

“You’re supposed to be there a little after three,” Jackson said shortly.

She smiled looking at her watch, “Awesome, so I can take a quick nap.”

“I suggest you let Alice know first, but yes, you’ve got plenty of time before you have to leave.”

“Fantastic, I’m gonna go do those things then, but I suggest you guys start packing. The Hotel job should take a day or two to complete, so I’d recommend packing for four,” with that, Mandie disappeared into the dark hallway.

Leaving Gale to wonder just what she had found that had prompted her immediate return to the city. He got that she hated being there, most exorcists did, but this was completely out of character. If she hadn’t found anything on Nia, did that mean that her new lead was about Alice? Or was there something else coming?

© 2017 Zoë

Author's Note

More stuff from Nanowrimo. Fell free to leave comments, questions, and critiques

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Added on January 28, 2017
Last Updated on January 28, 2017
Tags: ghosts, magic, supernatural, Mandie, Gale




I've been interested in writing for years, although I only recently got serious about it. As a writer who's just starting off I would love for people to take the time to review my work and tell me how.. more..

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