The Ripples Of Chaos

The Ripples Of Chaos

A Story by who the f**k cares what my name is...

this is the beginning of a short story im tinkering with...its based on the recent explosion that happened in the southern region of cyprus not too long ago

One mistake...thats all it takes for chaos to rear its ugly face... 
Fancy cars...6 figure paycheques...starbucks...
sometimes we forget just how close chaos can be...ever present...
lurking behind the scenes like a pissed off boyfriend with a grudge...6am...
the explosion ripped through the city like a hot knife through butter...
Ryan opened his eyes...the sun peaked over the skyline...its light creeping through the shutters of his tiny apartment on the east side 

of the city almost seemed to project the illusion of normalcy...
"What the hell..." disorientated he reached for a was almost time for work...
life in the food service industry had taken its toll on Ryan...years of serving nameless faces with a corporate smile 

became...distasteful...more so...
it was f*****g exhausting...Lonely...overworked...invisible...this was the essence of Ryan's existence...
his indifferent disposition had become his sheild...his only way of coping...6.15...his coffee wasnt going to make itself...
and so Ryan hastened to the kitchen...
still half asleep, he showed little concern for whatever events were unfolding outside...with mug in hand he turned the 
kettle on...6.20...with a few moments to spare, he instinctively wandered to his he pulled on his shirt and buckled his 

belt, he waited for the kettle to begin 
its symphony of whistles...but not the kettle fell silent...moving back into the kitchen, Ryan pressed his hand against 

the was cold..."d****t...guess its packed in on me..."
no matter...6:30...he was running late...his double expresso would have to wait...

Stepping outside into the crisp cold morning air...Ryan was wide awake...the city was blanketed in a thick fog...the kaleidescope of 

grey shades unnerved him...yet
like an actor with the flu...he knew the show must go on...and so he trudged down the same road he had trudged a thousand times 

over...6:45...three blocks away from his 
workplace, Ryan began to feel more alone than he ever had in a long people...not even a stray cat...however, as he 

continued on...Ryan began to feel a sense of
peace...the loneliness washing away like water off a ducks a*s...suddenly Ryan noticed the sound of the waves crashing against the in a city next to the water
had its perks...7.00am...he'd have to pick up his pace or risk overtime...and that was NOT an option...

The fire had almost entirely consumed the Arlington naval base...the flames hungrilly consuming anything...or anyone in their 

path...trapped in his office, Lt. Colonel Shepherd
gasped for air, the smoke had almost entirely filled the room...he was running out of time...feelings of desperation for that one last 

gasp of air began to set in...he kicked the door...
nothing...this was it...he had about 5 seconds before he passed out...taking out his side arm he shot the locks and threw himself into 

the door as hard as his body would allow,
using his weight to take it right off its hinges...he was lucky...he had made it...for now, but Shepherd was hardly out of the woods 

yet...he was injured...the explosion from the 
ammo dump had a blast radius of about 3 even knocked out the St. Andrew's power plant, which provided power to most of the 

county...fleeing from the officers quarters, 
Shepherd stepped outside into a hellish scene of flames, smoke and screams...bodies strewn every which way he looked...some barely 

indentifiable...amidst the wreckage of twisted metal he stepped out onto the tarmac of the loading dock...
the 6th submarine fleet completely destroyed...still birthed inside their silos...most had sunk, some were still sinking...the sailors 

still inside...the Subs became their coffins as they sunk into the cold dark abyss...but Shepherd had no time to stop and think,
time was running out, his first priority was getting the wounded out...
"MEDIC!, I NEED A MEDIC OVER HERE" a young private who looked no younger than 18 was knelt over what was left of a sailor...his twisted 

lifeless body a testament to the ripples of chaos...what the hell caused the explosion anyway?!...
Shepherd stumbled over...kneeling down, he checked for a pulse...
"He's gone son...come on..." pulling the private's arm over his shoulder, the two hobbled away from the main submarine silo...or at 

least what was left of it "What the hell happened sir?" "thats not important right now Marine
we need to call in a medivac for the wounded...wheres the nearest radio shack?" "its over by the barracks...but the tower's been 

destroyed in the explosion."
still limping away from the Silo, the two Marines came across the base's motorpool. Most of the Humvee's were destroyed beyond repair, 

but perhaps one of their radios still worked?...
Shepherd had to try...he gently laid the young private to the ground, and leaned him against one of the wheels. "Stay here, Im going to 

find a radio." exhausted both mentally and physically, the private couldnt reply,
but he nodded his head in acknowledgement.
Humvee after humvee...most were just twisted piles of refuse now...but there in the corner furthest away from the blast zone, Shepherd 

heard the faint crackle of a field radio...
moving in closer, he began to make out words...."ALL PERSONEL...RENDEVOUS...WHISKEY HOTEL...NORTH..." whiskey hotel? that was codename 

Shepherd didn't recognize...he had to
respond, and considering the condition of the was a long shot...he picked it up and pressed the transmitter button..."THIS 


crackled...nothing...Shepherd switched frequencies..."THIS IS SHEPHERD SOMEONE PLEASE RESPOND! ARLINGTON NAVAL BASE REQUIRES AN 

the radio response...about to give up, the Colonel dropped the radio...when suddenly..."This is Major Crawford come in 

colonel, we are sending medivac choppers hang tight help's on the way..."

having finally arrived at his corporate whorehouse, Ryan was greeted with a surreal scene of his co-workers gathered outside, all 

seeming to have the same solemn, anxious look about them...
"whats going on?" suddenly, Ryan remembered the explosion, his surreal journey across the empty streets had made him forget it had even of the bartenders, Philip turned to him, an almost bessoted look on his face..."theres been an accident at the naval 

base...some kinda explosion
...worse still the powers out citywide...St Andrews was hit..." suddenly it all started to come peices of a 

puzzle...the kettle...the empty all made sense...
..."so what happens now?" Ryan's world was limited to his work and his apartment, and not knowing quite how to respond to the 

seemed like the best question to ask...besides...maybe it would help take the others' mind off of things...if only for a moment...
"nothing, you're all free to go home..." Andrew was the store manager, and the closest Ryan would ever get to a friend...he understood was almost as if he reached out to him... Andrew and Ryan had worked together in the past, and so both knew each 

other well
"the power isnt coming back on anytime soon...we're trying to get a generator but it won't be here until tomorrow." Andrew stepped up 

to Ryan and patted him on the back..."relax mate you're still paid for all are...just go home and get some rest, we'll deal 

with this mess tomorrow."

Ryan didnt feel like going home...theres was go home was time for a ciggarette...the park on the corner of 

the street near the abandoned zoo was Ryan's sanctuary...his home away from home...his usual spot on the bench underneath the oak tree 

always eased his mind...the calming sound of the water flowing from the fountain soothed his aches and pains...dragging on his last 

cigarrete he closed his eyes...the silence was deafening...he was at peace once more..."hey got a light?"
the silence was broken...Ryan came crashing back to reality...opening his eyes he was surprised to find Anna standing in front of 

him...her long auburn hair gently whisping in the light breeze...Ryan's chest tightened...Anna didn't know it, but she was Ryan's 

source of strength...the beacon of light shining on the dark waters of life he found him self drifting hopelessly through...after 

all...misery loves company...She was part of the kitchen staff so, Ryan never saw her that often...but from time to time, he would 

catch a glimpse of her washing dishes, or helping the chef with orders...he was mesmerised by her...not just for her slender, shapely 

body or her snow white skin...not even for her grey/blue eyes which looked upon the world with a gentle sadness...she was just as 

damaged as him...Ryan never knew why, but he was curious...he wouldnt dare ask her though...that would mean he'd have to get 

close...and that would just complicate things...she was the Jackson Pollock in his art gallery...and she was the only painting that 

hung there...
"Hey Ryan you ok?" He looked at her, taking an extra second to study her face..."yea im fine, just a little tired"...she smiled..."yea 

its been one hell of a day and it hasnt even started yet"

© 2011 who the f**k cares what my name is...

Author's Note

who the f**k cares what my name is...
im a big brutal...

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Added on July 17, 2011
Last Updated on July 17, 2011