Awful Writer

Awful Writer

A Poem by Ashleigh

We wrote this song for a satire project in english class. I wrote it with help of a friend. She has an account. I just don't know what it is lol.


Stephenie Meyer murdered all vampires

How could she make that stuff up?

She's got to be some kind of psycho

With Twilight, she killed all of us.



She's a zero

How many ways can we dream of killing Stephenie Meyer?

She's no hero

If Edwards so hot he should set her house on fire

Yeah, she's one awful writer

Awful Writer


Stephenie Meyer is such a liar

Only real vampires are good.

We've got a message to all the Twilight-Lovers

Dracula wants your blood



She's a zero

How many ways can we dream of killing Stephenie Meyer?

She's no hero

If Edwards so hot he should set her house on fire

Yeah, she's one awful writer

Awful Writer



You better stay back

We've staked Stephenie in the back

And we want you to know




She's a zero

How many ways can we dream of killing Stephenie Meyer?

She's no hero

If Edwards so hot he should set her house on fire

Yeah, she's one awful writer

Awful Writer

© 2010 Ashleigh

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Oh Stephenie Meyer please do. (also I am the friend *waves*)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Poor Stephanie Meyer. Don't end the saga. Good job though!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 14, 2010
Last Updated on May 14, 2010
Tags: Twilight, Awful, Writer



Winnipeg, Canada

I'm 17. I love to read and write. I'm scottish more..

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