A multitude of Colours Fabric so divine That pair that captivate Simply by design Leather, cotton, plastic, elastic Simply fantastic My jaw drops as shops restock New season new trend My foots best friend Laces, straps both perhaps The perfect shoe to finish a suit Wouldn’t be appropriate to wear a boot
Money not an issue to fulfil this lust Something that protects my feet How can you not trust
Not talking about boots or sandals either Talking of those shoes my hearts deceiver Fabric cant protect my toes But the design is enough Dullness to a leather shoe Only needs a buff
Such variety I can’t possibly possess them all But their designs and comfort Never fail to enthrall
Their sturdy nature flat or round Down to earth, help me to caress the ground No matter which brand The price Or the shop To miss out on this pair My addiction won’t stop Protect my soul I will not heel This lust for shoes Is only to real
this poem flows so nicely, it's easy to read yet not simple... hard to explain, but great nonetheless. If I had the money, I'd buy all the shoes I ever wanted so I really get this poem haha
Favorite pair... my DVS hightops in pastel colors. They were so comfortable but I wore through the bottoms :(
Delightful and highly relevant to many consumers :o) Minor editing note, last line "to" instead of "too". Other than that, soleful perfection ;o) My favorite pair? a pair of calf-high black and purple buffalo leather handmade renaissance boots with built in arch supports. I literally loved them to death over ten years. they were like wearing comfy socks with great support! I could wear them in and out of rivers, climb up cliffs, and sleep in them. :o)
I Am Ashley Black (an alter ego ) I have a dark mind when it comes to my poetry as the strongest emotions come from negative
RETURNING- I have been distant from this site for a while but I am fina.. more..