The Book Of You

The Book Of You

A Poem by sivan

Read my poetry

and you will find yourself

interweaved in every line

the words form images

of you on paper.


Read my misery

scribbled across my face

like a child learning to draw;

I tried my best

in between the messy exterior

you will find it says

I STILL love you.


Read my emptiness

mind still there but

words that became too hard to say

become forgotten

so I ask you for a light but

I wanted you to stay the night.


Read my smile but

don't think that I've moved on

I just haven't seen you in a while

my mouth and heart against me

formed the colloquial reaction for pleasure

before my mind could remember

we AREN'T on speaking terms.


But if you find you want me back then...


Read me

and you will find the love you left behind

NEVER wavered

my heart is still in your hands

just read me

and you will understand

that I will never let go

and you will ALWAYS have a home

that I love you

and this is a safe zone

for our rehabilitation.


© 2013 sivan

My Review

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Thats exactly how i feel about someone special who left...and shes never coming back.
Its a touching piece.i can relate.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for the kind words!
Wow really beautiful and haunting..No constellation prize, but it's got you writing beautiful things..alas all artists tend to have to pay the price for their talent.........

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sometimes things don't work out with the one you love but that does'nt mean we stop loving them and stop wishing we could make it work.Wonderfully penned and most heartfelt:)

Posted 10 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on November 13, 2013
Last Updated on November 13, 2013



Durban, South Africa

I am a student of computer engineering... very technical yes but i like to get lost in the creativity of poetry and writing. Im an out and proud lesbian and if anyone doesn't like that well then that .. more..

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