No Pretense Whatsoever

No Pretense Whatsoever

A Poem by Forgotten Prophet Of A Destiny Being Reclaimed

The things I should have said a long time ago.



   I'm balancing what I cannot explain, and I feel as though my whole
 everything is at stake.
   I've got a fear of phobias. It's a terrible situation where I've got
 to fake like make believe pretend to friends that this thick skin
 isn't paper-thin.
   In conversation, I'm a one-man nation, an independent state of
 affairs all in order; suffering no fools. Behind backs it's scraped-knee
 feelings and boo-boo desperation. And both are true.
   I think I've imagined myself. Brainwave building blocks to make me
 matter getting scattered with every call that isn't coming. I've got
 pieces spread all over. Paradise peninsula bays to heartland plains and
 could care less parts in between. 
   The universe is laughing. I had it all, the brains, the brawn, with
 a flaw or two just for fun between the lines laughing stock and the
 only one who doesn't get it. I do, you know. I just don't find it funny.
   My private planes crash like smiles. For miles and miles and...
   I'm a face to face formidable force; and so susceptible to out of
 sight, out of losing my f*****g mind containing this cage. It's all
 conversation snatches and 3...2...1...nothing. A constant countdown with no
 contact coming, leaving me longing for ANYTHING but this.
   I'm a savior, a sucker, a stepping-stone, and a christ-like mess
 fighting a fight inside trying to decide something simple. How to perform
 open-heart let it go in three easy steps. Regrets.
   And I never want to dig you out of me. Little voice, tiny judge,
 hold me true. I'm tip-toe toppling and tumbling, stumbling from step to
 step but thank gods I know where I'm headed.

   Dichotomy is a part of me. Before it all, before the fall, before
 bloodline battles, promises, prophecies, sadducees and salvation, there
 were little boy smiles that still reside inside. Soft spots, tear drops,
 and I'm finally saying what wanted to be said. 
   I've wanted to hate you, but not really. All I hate is what wants to
 hurt hearth and home. You're ate up convicted and convinced I'm bent
 and broken into pound the wall shake your head disappointed sighs. But
 for the instinct, you may have missed the eyes, the sad goodbyes, the I
 STILL love you cries. 
   I've made fun of fools before, but I feel them. I've been the cool
 calm conceited and if laughing behind backs dude don't you get it give
 up is all it is I can take it. There's lots of scars to prove that true.
   You know I've got not a lot, but my one thing is my word, and I gave
 it. Those Valhalla voices won't forget. I'll make it mean something.
 But it's no stiff-backed breach of contract that holds me. It's the way
 you fit the shape that molds me. Roll your eyes, but you'll see.
   The people make the steeple. And sometimes instinct and indifference
 are just defenses.

© 2008 Forgotten Prophet Of A Destiny Being Reclaimed

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Two years since you wrote this.. I do understand every word of this now .. hope you come back.. you are a good friend and fine poet.


Posted 13 Years Ago

I do miss you my friend................come soon!

Posted 14 Years Ago

It makes us human these fears and phobias. You have done a great job making us see that. XX

Posted 16 Years Ago

we all have phobias we all have fears... its what makes us human...

great write

Posted 16 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on February 27, 2008
Last Updated on February 27, 2008


Forgotten Prophet Of A Destiny Being Reclaimed
Forgotten Prophet Of A Destiny Being Reclaimed

I had every opportunity and threw it all away. I found salvation, didn't know what to do with it, and discovered I wanted to share it. I lost all hope with a broken heart and found it again exactly .. more..


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