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A Poem by Kate

Lullaby Lullaby

A Poem by Kate

Undercurrents Undercurrents

A Poem by Kate

There you go There you go

A Poem by Kate

...masked. ...masked.

A Poem by Kate

Quite Simply Quite Simply

A Poem by Kate

Come, the Rains Come, the Rains

A Poem by Kate

About Me

I'm gonna find the time to catch your hand, and make you stay; can you stay one more hour?



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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi sweetheart, try reading it in this format. I hope you get this soon, I think we still have to work on our other one. It's my birthday today; I hope you're having a good day.

Much love,



My lovely, she has disappeared,
ripped from mine eyes,
like she was never here,
let's just say I'm so impatient,

(that) all of my lines are faked.

I'm looking for the greatest
of all heartbreaks,
something so profound,
I'll know simply what it takes,

to let down my guard,
endlessly sojourned on the seas of my heart,


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Posted 15 Years Ago

My dear, see if you can work with something like this,

Alas, my lovely,
she has disappeared,
ripped from mine eyes,
like she was never here,

let's just say I'm so impatient,
(that) all of my lines are faked.

I'm looking for the greatest
of all heartbreaks,
something so profound,
I'll know simply what it takes,

to let down my guard,
endlessly sojourned on the sea of my heart,


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Posted 15 Years Ago

This one has a good beat so far, I haven't written much, however. Let me know which direction you want to take the poem,

I'll ttys, my dear,

Alas, my lovely, she has disappeared,
ripped from mine eyes, like she was never here,
just say I'm so impatient,
(that) all of my lines are faked,



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Posted 15 Years Ago

My dear, I thought I wrote back. As it turns out, I neglected to. I'll write more in our collab and send it to you soon. Alas, indeed; I was checking to see if you'd emailed me back, but to no avail. I'll be in touch soon. Your comment was very poetic, and greatly appreciated. I'll ttys, much love,

your friend,


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey Sweetheart, you can add it to your page. I always considered it yours, and we do need to collaborate sometime soon. Maybe you can send me a line and we'll work from there. I miss our conversations too, life has been pretty lonely recently. I'm not even sure if my writing can compare to how it used to be, or how yours is, but I'm looking forward to writing a poem with you asap.

I'll send you an email, are we on myspace, what's your aim name again?

Much love,
I'll ttys,


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Kate, I miss you. I found that poem we wrote in my inbox. I'll send it to you, I miss our conversations. I read one of your poems, isn't it unfortunate that our work went missing. I think it was a conspiracy to generate new poems on the site, don't say anything though. We should collab again, that'd be tight. I could send you the whole email, maybe later though.

Much love Kate, come back soon.

Much love,


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Ah, Kate! I have missed you and it is so good to see you stop by. I loved the review hon, stop by anytime and please, feel free to send anything my way, I will get there eventually! :)


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks Kate for your review of "Hue do you think you are". Glad you enjoyed the rant lol Julian

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Well it's nice to hear from you, thanks for reading Mocker in the Mirror.

What've you been up to?


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Posted 17 Years Ago

I miss you.