The next paragraph is when I first started with writing on WritersCafe. Since then I have been happily married to Sabine my wonderful, beautiful godly french/American wife. Between us we have 10 Children. We live around Annapolis, MD
I live in Maryland. I have four children. Sadly my wife past away last in December, 2007. I enjoy life and am not worried about death because my wife is waiting up on the other side with Jesus. I am learning to take flight in my new life.
A good portion of that new life is learning how to write. I am enjoying this process. I have had a life of diverse experience to draw from and I hope it will be of use. Some of my past is as follows: Nuclear Submariner,Lived on Sail boat Virgin Islands, Traveled a lot of the world, BA, Teacher,House Parent,Sales,Caseworker, Youth Director, Program Director for I.C.F., Tractor Trailer Driver, Chauffeur, Parent, Faithful Husband, Lover of God.
Have been away from WritersCafe for a while. I am now happily married with two young boys ages 12 and 14 and lots of extra family members.
The U.S. Virgin Islands are a lot of fun. SEE:
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