About Me*Updated May 20, 2008*
Current project : My passion is to look at the stars and I wanted to designated some words to them for helping me move forward with my life. SUN ()X() MERCURY VENUS EARTH MOON ()X() JUPITER SATURN URANUS NEPTUNE PLUTO- still a planet in my book, "Astronomers are dumb" X = Done Hello everyone, My name is Jamaal Harmon aka Sixth Moon. Writing has been a passion of mine ever since I decided the hell with the t.v.. I love how certain emotions are attached to a whirlpool of words to convey a certain message to an audience. Randomness is my middle name and I can write about anything that allows me to flow like water. I love to freely express my inner demon, child, angel, fat man, dog lover, and my intimate relationship with ANIME. My inspiration has been writers that are fearless when it comes to letting people know how they feel no matter what time it is. Right "NOW" is the best time for anything to happen, I've been told that I say thats at the wrong time and place, but peole still love me. I am a passionate VIRGO; the stars, moon, planets, sun, and the universe are my best friends. I believe that Writers are GODS in my opinion, of course their are great GODS and horrific GODS. We are born to create and my gift is writing, well I think it is? What do you think? I was a born geek, always spent time on the computer, discovery channel, writing, painting, drawing, coloring in coloring books. Gemstones are also great tools for creativity. Get a Carnelia and youll find that youll dive into an infinite pool of creativity. Anime is my true love, Music such as ambience, groove, uptempo, jazz, j-pop, orchestra, classical, and many other types allow me to spew out all kinds of words and mingling them together in harmony. I believe that writing is my mission in life and I want to help change the world little by little with great stories, poems, novels, and songs. Whichever comes first. Although I am not an active member. I love to observe great works whenever I get the chance. Ill try my best to return reviews as much as possible because I love reader's reviews.Makes me feel like a million dollars. Even though I am not a fan at taking criticism, "What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger". The reason I joined this website was to be able to overcome that. If you want to become friends you can hit me up at ** Jmonie02 ** yahoo IM in order to discuss writing, poetry, short stories, and personal inspirtations. Thanks for reading, hope to speak with you guys in the future, MUCH LOVE , LIGHT, and HOT SAUCE!! ![]() Grimmjow, doesn't break knee caps for nothing! ![]() ORCAS RULE! -Sixth Moon Comments