Ten years apart, The pull still strong,Confusion and love,Make my heart beat strong.Doubt sets in, Is this right,Or is this wrong.Is this mutual.A pic..
No title for it as of yet. Just wrote it a few seconds ago and felt the need to share. First one I've written in a good while. So it might be a lit..
I never
pictured the world would end up like this; filled with chaos. Its skies grey from the orange and yellow
fire down below as every ..
Rebecca's life was normal, until her 14th birthday, when her mother died and passed on the gift to her child. She casts a Monster spell on her ex tha..
I wrote this one awhile back when I was looking at the world and contemplating.
Poem name, unsure of, but I wrote it awhile back when I was dealing with a guy I trusted, and sexual harassment.
The end is near
The year that everyone fears
Will be the one
I cannot wait to see.
The end of the world
As we know it.
What's so great
My b/f died Oct 19th 2009 at 1 am when I saw him gasp for his last breathe. This is all I can write about it right now. Not the best piece.
Not sure about the title it's a work in progress
Absent minded
To oblivian
Lost in a world
That has forgotten
How to love
No compassion
Absent minded
Losing faith
In humanity
Losing faith