Mwahahahaha!!! ;P
That's a great idea!! When in doubt, pray :D :D :D
I'm actually not talking to my parents right now because we're in an argument about cats, cake decorating and my refusal to be social. It's a long story :P
I'd be super happy to just bring my tent and pitch it in your backyard!! We can communicate with flashlights and Morse code and maybe you can sneak me food every once in a while :D IT'S THE PERFECT PLAN!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (Man, today's just an evil laugh day :D)
Hey new buddy :P Here's hoping to a great new year where we don't have to worry about the world ending four days before Christmas :D :D :D Have a super awesome wonderful year!!!!
I wish I could move down to Idaho; unfortunately my parents didn't seem convinced when I gave them all the reasons we should move and I think I might've irked them by talking too long :D I've got a very annoying voice :P Anyway....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :P