Reese : Writing

Coin Toss

Coin Toss

A Story by Reese

I know it will always stay in that tiny atom sized feeling if it isn't fed by your particles of love


A Story by Reese

There was always something I am dissatisfied with no matter how much I force myself to be contented.
Senseless Grey

Senseless Grey

A Story by Reese

And I know, that this time, you wouldn't answer answer it anymore.
Whiteless Night

Whiteless Night

A Story by Reese

Sudden tears of pain and sadness, scars, sleepless nights, dreamless dreams. Maybe I already am.
Addictive Scars

Addictive Scars

A Story by Reese

I am addicted to the scars you gave. And yet I love my lover.
Point End Of A Fish

Point End Of A Fish

A Story by Reese

I was like a drowned fish in the sea. Trying to walk when all I needed was to be reminded to swim.
I Will Stay

I Will Stay

A Story by Reese

For you, you with your words of warmth, you're the only person I have left to lose.
Empty Happiness

Empty Happiness

A Story by Reese

What do I really want? Happiness? I already have that, but it feels empty. Maybe that's what I feel.
You Make Me Feel Like A Paradox

You Make Me Feel Like A Paradox

A Story by Reese

I pretend just for you because your happiness means so much more than mine.
An Open Letter For the Waiting Soul

An Open Letter For the Waiting Soul

A Story by Reese

I love you that way that I'm willing to destroy my own happiness for you...