writermommy3 : Writing

How it's supposed to be

How it\'s supposed to be

A Poem by writermommy3

I have to get the feelings I have out somehow.
the lucky one

the lucky one

A Poem by writermommy3

This is about the girl that is dating someone who i truly cared about.
what it's like

what it\'s like

A Poem by writermommy3

I'm having a hard time handling my life right now.
"Not enough"

\"Not enough\"

A Poem by writermommy3

This is just my way of getting out the feelings I have about not being good enough in anything I do.
the voice

the voice

A Poem by writermommy3

This was inspired from events that happened at my job.
"Finding Marissa"

\"Finding Marissa\"

A Book by writermommy3

This is the book I have been working on.
the beginning

the beginning

A Chapter by writermommy3

This is the part of the beginning of the book I have worked so hard on.
the big party

the big party

A Chapter by writermommy3

This is more of Marissa's story.


A Chapter by writermommy3

Marissa realizes that she is stuck where she is for now. She doesn't like it, but she's slowly realizing that she needs to open up.
trying to get free

trying to get free

A Chapter by writermommy3

So there I was, stuck. It's the only word I could think of. I gazed out the window. I didn't have a roommate anymore. She had been moved because I..

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