Kaitlin Worley

Kaitlin Worley


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Sherwood, AR
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About Me

I'm just a little twisted, but in a charming way, I suppose. I enjoy dark, disgusting, terrible things. But only pondering them. I don't enjoy them when they're real. I suppose it's strange that I'm actually quite the flowery little idealist-hippy-girl, but when it all comes down to it, I still just love those terrible ideas.

I'm very spiritual, though, I'm not sure about what.

I'm a very big fan of Bob Dylan. He's not only an amazing artist, but he also reminds me of my brother and my grandmother mixed together. If they wrote songs and stream-of-consciousness novels.

I'm currently attending Hendrix College, a small, private, unknown, but high-rated college in the little harmless state of Arkansas. I love it. I used to be embarassed to be from Arkansas when I was younger, but now I'm almost excessively proud. It's become a large part of my identity. A lot of people get weird connotations and denotations about people from Arkansas. They're all completely right and all completely wrong.

I have a dog named Chomsky that I also consider to be a major part of my identity. I him love more than I love most people. I got him during a rough patch in my life, and having to take care of something so darling, helpless, and dependent kept me from doing something very drastic to myself, and so I feel like I owe a lot to that wonderful little [big] dog. He's not my only pet. I have 2 cats, and four dogs besides him. I love them a lot too. I have a deep love for creatures other than humans, because I like to think they animals are people too. Just a little more likeable, though.

Sometimes, I'm a little bit of a grammar nazi, but I still break a ton of grammatical conventions pretty often. Sometimes accidently, sometimes purposely. I like to write the way I think. I like lot's of comma's, even when they don't fit sometimes. And sometimes I like to make a clause or a word into a sentence, and that bothers a lot of my old high school teachers.

I have a boyfriend that's brilliant with math and science, but not so great with words. But when he finds the words to describe what he's thinking, it's usually pretty fascinating. I've been with him for about a year now, and it's been pretty swell.

I guess this should give you a good idea of who I am. I hope.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi there,
Thanks for accepting the friend request. I certainly look forward to read your writings, and I shall as soon as I'm done with finals,


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Posted 17 Years Ago

thanks for the add, and the uber-kind reviews. i will return the favor soon...i haven't been around as much lately, but i'm working on it. :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Welcome to the Cafe, Kaitlin.