Your eyes flash with tin-metal heatradiating from your nakedshoulders in simmering waves;a palpable presence, third-partyto our locked-door liaison.I ..
the world is out toget me so long as I takeit personally;no one does anything tome; it happens around me.
Sweet spring air kissed byamorous sunshine, buildingslow heat for summer.
Spirit knew the only way I'd ever have an open mind is by blunt force trauma. It only hurt for a couple days....
He awakens, sighs, bones acreak at every move.Reaches for the boilerplate, straps on his rapierwit (but half of once it was), takes an achinghold of h..
The ocean's pulse, the ebb and flowof constant waves' re-nourishmentbespeaks to me of life, althoughan undercurrent message sentin whispered sighs of ..
Back atcha, TLC.
Birthday wishes bloomon Facebook; friendship's fragrancewill last all year long.
I would be content to be a constant star,or better still, a constellationshining brightly in your nighttime from afar;a trusted guide, an inspiration...
I have a gift for you; okay, it's nobig deal. It's just a little something youmight want to have around when feeling low,when life's just thirty diffe..