My fiance and I went through a nasty fight a few months ago, and this is something I wrote based on that.
A few months ago, after moving in with my fiance, one of my exboyfriends dropped by randomly wanting to talk...
A Story by Angel
I was at the hospital over the weekend to visit a friend, and looked up at what I thought was a window to another room but it was actually a mirror. T..
A Chapter by Angel
The gentle rocking of the car was starting to remind me of a cradle, especially combined with the fact that soft tinny jazz flowed from the car's spea..
A Chapter by Angel
We spent the next few weeks moving into our two bedroom apartment, slowly rearranging things to our satisfaction. We sold most of our furniture from t..
A Chapter by Angel
Somehow time flew, and I survived my first two classes. They were pretty easy, Composing Poetry 1 and Biology. Piece of cake to me. One boy did, howev..
A Chapter by Angel
As I walked back to my car, I couldn't help but smile at my change of fortune. Sure, my day had started off normally, and then there had been that ass..
A Chapter by Angel
I woke up the next morning, and realized with a start that it was Thursday. That meant only one class for me, and it was later on that morning, so I c..
A Chapter by Angel
Time past by quickly, and soon the seasons changed. The leaves began their annual color change, and the temperature grew cooler. And just like the wea..
A Chapter by Angel
I made it home after classes, looking forward to spending some time alone with Adam. When he didn't show up for either of our afternoon classes, I kne..