


Why break hearts when bones make a funny sound?

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About Me

I believe stories are one of the most important things in life, whether they take the form of books, movies, or pictures. A story is in insight into someone else's mind, offering an escape from our own. For me, writing is about sharing an idea with others, to make an impact no matter how small in someone else's life.


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Posted 6 Years Ago

Being an avid Marvel fan, I'm going to be posting a new short series. It takes place in Asgard during the two years Loki is in charge. Without his father and mother around, he has to figure out how to keep Asgard from falling to ruins while holding up his disguise as Odin. He gets help from an unusual source, meeting a young Midgardian who needs some help in with a powerful magic.

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Posted 6 Years Ago

I am currently uploading a revised version of The Runestone Guardians, this one I'm feeling a lot better about. I will also upload the entire book, though that may change (protection from copyright issues). Feel free to check it out! I feel like this version is a lot neater and easier to follow.

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Posted 8 Years Ago

An important message to all readers currently on The wolf Princess Series!

I have decided to change the format of the story. *Spoiler Warning*
I am going to end book one after the battle of Ylvana and Fenrir, with the question of whether or not Ylvana will survive. Of course, those who are ahead already know the ending, but nevertheless, I will change it.

The change will allow me to pack more details and action into the story, plus it will leave an awesome and enticing cliffhanger. I am currently changing the story on Watt-pad, and once I am done with that, I will edit it on this website.

By the way, thanks to everyone who has been reading and commenting. Critiques really help writer!

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Posted 8 Years Ago

omg awesome stuff on pintrestor watever. So tuching for some reason

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Posted 8 Years Ago

I found a lot of good pictures that represent my story on Pinterest, and two of my post I did myself. It's a good source for any story if you want to find images.

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Posted 8 Years Ago

i dont do pintrest, but mayby ill make an exeption

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Posted 8 Years Ago

If you wish to see pictures or art for the Wolf Princess, visit my Pinterest board, Ylvana the Wolf Princess Story

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Posted 8 Years Ago

cool, that might be my favorite mythology. More subtle than some others

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Yep. There is some Norse mythology mentioned, and the story kind of goes off of a belief in the mythology

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Mythology is one of your tags, is it norse mythology?