This is democracy at its purest:
When all the unvarnished, vile lunacies
Spewed by the want-mores--the undereducated,
Egocentric, me-above-all elec..
My weirding, wilding arrow
Pierces a dozen hearts a day,
But all are immune;
They have renounced passion
For quotidian qualms.
The escalators I r..
Soul of my youth reincarnated
Here in Hrvatska:
Dead seas uplifted
And carved as if bears--
Gargantuan bears--
Tore at the rocks with adamantine ..
Here at God's lake
It doesn't pay
To be too jaded.
After all, it isn't
The vertical drop
Or the thunder of falling
That counts;
It's how we got..
Congestion arises in the mind
And travels along the karmic pathways
To the stygian organs. Here,
On Lake Bonvivant in the Hooligan Alps,
The fourt..
Skirting the dream-teeming downtowns of sleep,
I glide along the peripheral wearyways,
Semi-conscious of incidents, limp-limbed and lusterless.