"I know what it's like to be afraid of your own mind." -Dr. Spencer Reid, criminal minds
all men are created equal
the higher your IQ the more you dream
You’re run, so fast, to escape.Everything you know and love, wait not love hate. You love nothing and nothing loves you. You are worthless you..
smoke, fire, heat, choking, rolling out of bed, crawling to the door, bursting out, light, air, i can breathe.
that's how i woke up this morning. ou..
i'm not sending out read requests or forcing you to but go back and read the first one first. then this one will make you feel better
have you ever
lain awake at night
tortured by yur own thoughts
what if...
i should have...
have you ever
curled in a ball
sobbing silently
back to school
not again
summers here
and i don't wantit to end
can't we stay
just a few
more months
i like the sun
i like the sand
no ob..
SLAM!!!! I just made it; the zombies are at the door clawing to come in. They’ll probably just bang on the door to no avail. I’ll prop it ..