I am Kerouac’s madness to live,Transmitted through Tokay soakedPages on my bed nightstand. I am Bukowski’s warm beer,Spilling off the page..
On the table that night, They had numerous drinks,Both spilt on the tableAnd into their eager mouths.The cups strewn about Signified their higher stat..
This is bad.
Floating in a stream of consciousness,Thoughts manifest in the still pool. Adrift on my mind’s raft, I'm taken to places foreign to me:Foreign i..
I do not receive letters in the mail.Instead: texts, emails, snaps, grams, and tweets Fill my mind’s inbox.Nothing important to talk about,Or ne..
“I didn’t know that” were the words that slipped from my mouth;An admonition of the gaps in my knowledge that surrounded you.What el..
Optimism is a fast flowing creek, irreverent to the biotic and abiotic as it flows to nowhere. Optimism is a dog laying on the couch, bathing in the s..
Stuck at a red light,Breathing in my own exhaust.I don’t want to go. They should call us the“Idle Generation”, cause It seems stagna..
A calm sea before the stormOf nostalgia brings wave upon Wave of meaningless regret.I am reminded of past choices,What if’s? And the nagging Tho..