William Forbes : Writing



A Story by William Forbes

In honour of International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day
You are what life makes you

You are what life makes you

A Story by William Forbes

Just a fun little thing I wrote in about 15 minutes in a bar
The Break In

The Break In

A Story by William Forbes

This is the fist short story I ever wrote. It was for a college assignment back in 1998. Making it about 10 years old. God, I'm aincient...
The Death

The Death

A Story by William Forbes

He did not want to do it. But it could not be helped. Still, it was a shame she had to die. They had been through so much together. So very much. ..
Time And Tide

Time And Tide

A Story by William Forbes

The weather is bland. Boring. It’s not extreme, bright sunshine, but at the same time it’s not blizzards and thunderbolts and lightning, v..