A Chapter by Shin
to the year one thousand, in a medieval time full of hunger, sorrow and pain,
nothing is to be taken for granted; there is a small resist..
A Chapter by Shin
The party
takes a ship and are about to reach Xordania, after a while they dock at
Xordania, the skies looking as pale as a week ago. Xordania..
A Chapter by Shin
a grayish castle, guarded by many knights, inside is a big room completely
white, ceilings, walls and even the floor, light blue furniture a..
A Chapter by Shin
party rests for a while and meets up in the plaza.
“We really
have to come back to take a ship south?” Chad asks in disbel..
A Chapter by Shin
Illios, Soriana stands up from her bed and walks outside, there she sees a
woman with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes with a cut scar on her..
A Chapter by Shin
party looks around to see many houses and people walking around.
She teleported us this far? That
takes a ridicu..
A Book by Shin
An untold story of events prior to Elemental Ascension, way in the past before the actual heroes come into play.
A Chapter by Shin
A bloody war rages in
heaven as Lucifer reveals himself against God wanting to rule the heavens, he
commences an all"out attack, p..
A Chapter by Shin
Two days passed since
Lloyd encountered those monsters. Seshiro washes Lloyd's
shirt and is going to give it to him at school. Seven a.m. and S..