About Me
I am married and have two kids. My life has had its many ups and downs but each has been a journey that has led to self discovery and there is always a lesson to be learned from every experience. At least that's what I like to say. I am human and I do get down cast and depressed. I do not work outside the home due being disabled in a car accident but also taking care of my very busy family. At this time in my life I would like to find something that takes me by awe whether it be a hobby, place or some other interest. Right now, I am quite bored but that does not mean with my family. I have ADD and I am fairly intelligent and eclectic and I would love to find friends or something that makes me awestruck.
I am not looking for harsh comments or reviews just a place to express myself and how I feel and my inner demons. Ususally what I write is dark and full of my inner feelings. I don't write about the sun, rainbows, love, romance, etc happy stuff unless it contains dark stuff. I am not very good at writing about the syrupy, sweet s**t. And don't get upset if I say something about someone and you don't like what I say I am only expressing myself.
Oh and occasionally I make mistakes in my writings such as spelling, choice of words so we will all just have to deal with that.