Just a pill to make you numb, make you forget, calm you down, give you a temporary high.
Just one pill, and then one more, and another til you can't ..
He's just a good bad boy, and I'm just a good bad girl.
And we live in this big bad world, and we just want to love, but we're unsure who is worthy.
The sunset over a vast lush lake doesn't compare to what I see when I look at you.
The sun's last burning moments of the day, warming my face and gli..
I am green eyes, but my eyes aren't green.
They're his eyes that are me.. that I see.
His eyes are my eyes.
he is mine.
And I see through his eyes..
imperfection is a sickness.
perfection is just a word.
hate is ever after.
love is not a verb.
blinding eyes and hushed lips.
secrets caress like..
Laying in a flutterby cloud feild.
Dripping Lillies, honey dew.
The wind says hello, it sings to me.
Drooping willows with their long streaming ban..
Living in a kaleidoscope colors are everything.
I see many faces, none of them see me.
My sky is a pallet upon which a painter schemes.
And I am a ..
I carry this inconsistent knife behind my back,
These poisonous bodies,
Who's to trust?
So full yet so empty,
Wearing my sins like coats.
This; m..
Warms the blood of the dead to see such a beautiful sight.
Tiny, little babydoll, porcelain doll
Dancing on graves, singing in the moonlight.
I've walked on glass so long my feet are glass,
But it doesn't compare to the hot coals burning through my eyesockets or the sandpaper in my lungs.