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Brush Prairie, WA
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I walk as far as they need.
Really hit the wall.

Cockamamie psyche

Never look back until the voices and faces don't seem to match.

Chat me up: Email - [email protected]
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Posted 13 Years Ago

Holy s**t. This is...wow.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

What are you talking about, it is eleven am in Chicago. My apologies for waking the sleeping beauty.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Nice Braces, dork.

I have had one too many red bull & vodka's.
Black out potion for me.
Damn you Harry p and your lovely concoctions.

mmmmmm, Banana cream pie.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I cannot believe you listen to lincoln park, wtf?!? the only people I know who listen to them wear jnco jeans, listened to ska once upon a lime and weren't in Chicago right now drunk on Stella like I am. ;)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Coincidence indeed my lassie. Yup no coffee, but I have the energy of a five cup a day person. Plus I do not touch those energy drinks, suffice on beer, wine and women alone. Oh yeah. *wink*

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Posted 15 Years Ago


I would cook for them and take them to the super cool coffee house my sister work's at for an after dinner drink. Oh and which coffee house does she work, you ask? Starbuck's, I know, I know jealous ain't ya.
I have this old aluminum percolator that my uncle gave me and he's had it since the 70's, so this would be used to make the aforementioned person a espresso. Not sure how to make a latte or want goes in it. I do not drink coffee says "the writer". Weird, huh.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hola, how did the state drama plays go? any inspiring new works come out in the process?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hello, I've been meaning to say hi and great to meet you and thanks for all the wonderful reviews for ages but I have a crippling inability to stay on task so it's taken me a while, which is awful of me as your reviews make me really happy and I've actually read pretty much every piece you've got on here because you're brilliant but I've never got round to telling you that either and this is a terribly constructed sentence for which I apologise, I had too much coffee and a by-product is far too many commas, plus a hypersensitivity to grammar and a tendency to ramble on long past the point being made, I know, I know, I'm leaving now, thanks again x

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I read all my friend comments, too bad you cannot read the private ones me and Rob-b send each other. low brow, foul, raunchy, etc, etc... heh if they were private, ya freakin weirdo...

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I read through some of the comments posted by some of your friends, that one is particular really cracked up.