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Oklahoma city, OK
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About Me

Hi, i'm Sarah.
And I'm just your average teenage girl.
If you want to know about me, ask.



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Posted 14 Years Ago

- Good vibrations inspire health, happiness, and optimism. When we are tuned in to good vibrations, our bodies heal, our hearts open, and our minds shift toward the light. We see new possibilities and feel powerfully energized to follow our inner visions. At the same time, we feel relaxed and capable of manifesting these visions without giving in to stress or struggle. Good vibrations put us in a state of perfect receptivity so that we feel it is the energy flowing through us that accomplishes what needs to be done. We feel guided, supported, protected, and nourished within this joyful flow. We sometimes forget that we are allowed to feel this way all the time. Whether we need to go on retreat or just call a friend who makes us laugh, seeking out those good vibrations and basking in them is a sacred and loving practice that returns us, time and again, to the joyful flow of the universe.

- from the Daily Om

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hey, could you read this please
Abbey & Marcus: A High School Non-Love Story

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hello Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 16 Years Ago

tired, quite tired.

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Posted 16 Years Ago


[in response to your comment last week :) ]

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Heard/seen...not heard/see. I'm a writer? lol

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey, i haven't heard/see anything new from you in awhile...still having computer problems?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hey lil lady how you been?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

uh, myspazz went down for me...working on things, apparently...hmm...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

ringo seems like the guy you could really hang around with. he seems cool. paul acts like he's more important than everybody else, and that's a big no-no in my book.

john inspired me to learn guitar. paul inspired me to learn bass. billy joel inspired me to learn piano.

and george orwell inspired me to write.