About Me
Well I do enjoy writing poems and all of these come from my heart and I write because of my feelings my the women that I love and have feelings for.I also love to play football and baseball,poker,bowling,and guitar hero.I'm also a musician.I play guitar and drums,I play drums better and I love writing from my heart and writing my heart and soul into these poems makes me wonder if a girl will love me for my romance and how I treat these girls because my heart is wide open to the girls that I love so much!!! I also am a 16 year old teenager writing from my heart and cant stop because it is my destiny and my destiny is the important thing of my future.We were meant to find our true love and i believe our love is out there somewhere and we will find in the end,even if it takes my whole life,I will find my LOVE!Sharing ideas of love are my main beliefs and when i share it with a girl that i truly adore,well my heart gets the love her by just the way she smiles and seeing her smile is the heart warming thing that love acquires in today's world and of our lives!