slanted paths of earth and mudtorn by wicked roots that have lost their wayrustling leaves laugh as shoes catch,and toes are stubbedthe mocking laught..
It is as if the entire affair was a dream. That whenever I wish it, I could pick up and see her.When I ring her up on the phone, she would answer and ..
The multi-hued flags snapped in the breezestretched across the blacktop from lamp post to rooftop. Represented were The Beatles, and Elvis.Various slo..
For semi-sunny spring days end too quickly,with hazy light filtering through clouds thickeningwith all but a promise of rain to come....and a feeling ..
she sleeps, small and childlikecurled into herselfdreaming of long conversationsand never-ending partiesas she becomes older,she becomes youngerand yo..
There's a hungry growl from within the walla beast scratches and claws...show no fear, On hot days it gets louderand I shiver in the smoldering humidi..
If they loved me when I was youngand beautiful,when my arms and voicewere strong,why when my hair turns grey,and wrinkles line my eyes,(my once bright..
He sleeps.Now and then,he lets me sleep as well.Ever peering, ever jealous.I long to keep busy,forgetting thingsand peoplethat no longer matter.(But,t..
I listened to you singwhen I was small and nobodyand you were larger than lifeyour sweet voice inspired me.As I grew, taller..and olderand you became ..