Cry...Months of agony,prayers in anarchydefines blasphemyof a dreamt sweet baby.Months of emptinessdraw tears of hopelessnessof mother's cling to holi..
Slimes...they fog the bottle...to capture worms keptfor sulk desires....keeping their agony.Yet locked and never opened...Worms of the Earth,never had..
See the parterre of zephyrtickles the rose cheeksof blissful skies...every petal smiles,and cherish the laughthat tangled my heart.Feathers they draw ..
Sorry...I ran out of words to say...My lips have been sewed to playimpalements of threads they play,drawing me wordless as may.Sorry...I ran out of im..
Tickets sold for rides,but seats were taken by them...It's fully loaded..never tried to ride sweetness,,Coaster stops, but ...never tried.
I saw my pen...I saw it dancing,on a paper made for writing,I don't think I still have to writefor my pen is dancing tonight.I saw it dancing in winte..
A toy it is,keeping fragile and stillbut rendersa strange stare,a statement of terror...you never knowit's alive or notbut for sure, it's friendlyto c..
Trees do cry,their leaves are fallingfor the day you die,your name I'm calling.Chainsaw and ax cut themmade to logs andfurniture with taxfor better us..
no offense, it's kinda blasphemous
For times of trouble I get into,Underground was inviting, tempting,Caressing my loneliness with valor,Killing those numbskulls with pleasure.You are t..