whiteNight : Writing



A Poem by whiteNight

If I believe In anything, Anything at all, It is simply That each of us- All of us- Possesses A soul. That we all Are only Vessels; dust ..
Tell Me You Love Me

Tell Me You Love Me

A Poem by whiteNight

If I were to die today And today if I do- Hold me as a fade away Hold me close to you Tell me all our memories As I forever fall asleep Quell ..
Skin Deep

Skin Deep

A Poem by whiteNight

You know what? I'm tired of people assuming I don't know English. That I don't do well in school. I'm tired of teachers assuming I don't understand a ..


A Poem by whiteNight

I've been confused lately ):
The Ignored Child.

The Ignored Child.

A Poem by whiteNight

I just. Ah hell I don't know.
Coming Home.

Coming Home.

A Poem by whiteNight

Oh hi again San Antonio
Broken Love.

Broken Love.

A Poem by whiteNight

Through my sadness I produce sad poetry. That's just nice.


A Poem by whiteNight

Haha just a spontaneous poem. It really came out of nowhere o:
Lost Home

Lost Home

A Poem by whiteNight

Pfaha, sometimes I really just rambling in rhyme - and then call it poetry.

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