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Orleans, MA
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A girl thirsting for exhertion that's tangible.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

its all good. I do like the new deal. When the new deal is off, I can't stand them, but when they're on its a lot of fun. I actually saw a band this past weekend that was similar--Future Rock. They played in philly and it was quite a dance party. They covered Air and Daft Punk to bookend their set. It was pretty sick. If you like the new deal, you should also check out the Bays. They're from the UK and only play live sets (no albums). They usually post their shows on their website to download. I don't know it off hand.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Yeah. festies are great. I used to be way more into them--I would go no matter who was playing. Now I pretty much only go to festivals that the Disco Biscuits play. Other than Phil they are the only semi-popular band I like in that scene.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Welcome to the Cafe, Whitney.