About Me
I was born in Central Alabama February 27, 1985. I'm a Piscean and love it.
I began writing poetry and child stories at age nine. I began home schooling after the Sixth Grade, having a lot of trouble in the public education system. I was a really weird kid (a bug in the system), but let's move on, shall we?
I love welcoming new writers. However, if you are one of those narcissists who don't befriend people unless they praise your work all over the place, then I have no use for you, and you will have no use for me. I'm a writer, not a critic.
I spend more time writing than reviewing and I won't apologize for that. Maybe you should, as well. If I added you to my friends list, that means you wrote at least one thing that I absolutely loved. Or I felt you could use a warm welcome. Or you just seemed really interesting to me.
For the heck of it, I have listed below some of my favorite poems...
1 A Man Said To The Universe- Stephen Crane
2 The Soul Selects Her Own Society- Emily Dickinson
3 When Serpents Bargain For The Right To Squirm- e.e. cummings
4 Lesson In Natural History- Theodore Spencer
5 Ouija- Sylvia Plath
6 Ars Poetica- Archibald MacLeish
7 Lights- Francis William Bourdillon
8 The Strange Case Of The Cautious Motorist- Odgen Nash
9 Vernal Equinox- Ruth Stone
10 The Mountain- Robert Frost