Robert Francis Callaci

Robert Francis Callaci


I'm a itsy bitsy spider crawling inside your rotting brains

Port Richey, FL
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

My passion is writing- I've been writing a mythological tale on the many facets and faces of GOD- I've been a net poet for the past seventeen years- I'm a former admin at lit .org and active one (Patron) at writing I was also a senior editor at an E-zine called the Oddville Press. I was a busy old fool...

Like thousands of other self proclaimed writers and poets Ive always been drawn to the darker shades and etchings of humanity. Temptation, desire and the seven dark flavors of sin that Mankind feeds upon is fodder and drink for the writers ink. Desire, temptation and sin are the arrows, knives and bullets that can either lead us to damnation, salvation, negation or liberation. Its the different influences, experiences, education and mindset (spiritual or otherwise) of the individual writer that determines what type of interpretation one puts on those darker shades and etchings. As for myself Im considered somewhat of a magical thinking science and logic loving existentialistic pagan breathing agnostic, a conundrum and a bit of a contradiction to be sure, but nothing is ever truly all black and white or even the ubiquitous gray, but only shades and hues of those pervasive two and its composite. My Novel, The Tangled Tapestry and most of what I write are my interpretations on how the dark and light layers weave and interact together to create one sprawling intricate web of creation out of the nothingness of GOD.

the prophet

The Tangled Tapestry
A Book by Bob Callaci

A Book by Bob Callaci

The Nine Circles of Hell
A Book by Bob Callaci

Which Poet are you?
Your Result: William Carlos Williams

To you, more does not suggest superior. Precise strength is your trademark. You agree that images are painted with words. These images speak louder than photographs. Language provides encapsulated infinity.

Walt Whitman
Robert Frost
Emily Dickinson
Sylvia Plath
Which Poet are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

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Posted 14 Years Ago myspace graphic comments
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Posted 15 Years Ago

Just stopping by to say Hello< hope all is well with you.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

If you have anymore books or writes you want read please let me know
I really like your stuff you're an amazing writer.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thought I'd drop in for a sec and saw you on the main page. I copied and pasted but it doesn't look the same as it does there.

Today's Top Writing
Twelve Poetic Styles/Form Poetry
A Book by Bob Callaci
fun with syllables

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Posted 15 Years Ago

the best thing about you is you can make a piece of s**t (aka my writing) sound like something beautiful in your reviews.

congrats lol xxoo

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks for your comment..loved it.. and love your really very pleased to have found your work and to meet you!!! I am also captivated by all those things which we create and co-create in the search for understanding whatever this "god" thing is~lol!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

friendship Pictures, Images and Photos

I hope you have a wonderful easter

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Excuse me I read your tagline wrong, That's cute yo're making a fast get away instead (LOL) I know I am weird.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey if you ever write a new write send it my direction, i sincerely enjoy your writes, You are one amazing writer oh and if there was ana isty bitsy spider crawling up my leg I'd slap it silly (LOL)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Bob, Thank you for the brilliant review,
I always appreciate your great thoughts, coming from some
one with your skill whose opinion is valued.
Have a great week, Michael