That's the beautiful thing aboutthe clouds; you can createstories in the sky and erasethe words before anyoneelse can recognize the meaningthat hides ..
It's the chasethat we cravethe most.When love knocksat our front door,we shut the curtainsand act as if weare not home.Without rejection,I think we'd ..
I feel I love you.
Somehow, in some
strange way, but yet
I don’t know you.
Is this love or
simply an attraction
I have to your mind?
I want to makelove to your logic.Your words arewhat keep mefull for the entireday.With your meaninginside of me Ithink I'll be ableto make it throught..
I am everything that youwill never have and doesknowing that make youwant me more?Just because I'm notvery good with numbers,doesn't mean that I won't..
The world is roundso that one daywe will cross pathsagain.Perhaps not on thesame day or atthe right hour,but one day thesefeet will walka familiar roa..
I am waitingfor the daywhen I can takeall your pain awayby just pressingmy body into yoursand sliding my fingersthrough your hair,whispering in your e..
I want to bejust like an atom,so tiny yet infiniteand responsible forcreating such beautifulthings.
Strong like the windin a rainstorm,is all I ever wanted to be.Never letting anythingslow me down. But you,like a desert sun,took my strengthaway with ..
There are spots on my body thattingle after you touch them andeven though it hurts, it's betterthan feeling nothing at all.