wayne1234 : Writing

The blue planet of evil part 47

The blue planet of evil part 47

A Story by wayne1234

After walking along the misty bridge of darkness we become caught by a light of magic that stops the vampire king in his tracks. The wolfmen then push..
The blue planet of evil part 46

The blue planet of evil part 46

A Story by wayne1234

Once at the top of the golden tower our eyes glow with shock while our bodies tremble at the red sun of horror. The vampire looks at our eyes of scare..
The blue planet of evil part 45

The blue planet of evil part 45

A Story by wayne1234

After a short few moments the draw bridge lifts and the wolfmen stand in the castle of horror looking at our bodies of mercy . A shocked silver prince..
The blue planet of evil part 44

The blue planet of evil part 44

A Story by wayne1234

Our eyes glow with shock in the dark cold house of horrors while the red faced vampire shouts at his wolfmen to drag us towards the room of terror. We..
The blue planet of evil part 43

The blue planet of evil part 43

A Story by wayne1234

After walking though the light of horror we become trapped inside the the city of magical creatures and look on with shock and horror at the city of s..
The blue planet of evil part 42

The blue planet of evil part 42

A Story by wayne1234

We all walk along the damp pathways of the dragons cave while water drips down onto our cold heads of torture. Our eyes look around the cold cave tunn..
The blue planet of evil part 41

The blue planet of evil part 41

A Story by wayne1234

After watching the horror of evil of eyes look closer with shock while the water suddenly goes back to purple and ghostly dragons vanish into its cave..
The blue planet of evil part 40

The blue planet of evil part 40

A Story by wayne1234

After walking for long hours though the evil purple forest of torture we suddenly find a large flowing waterfall of mystery. Our eyes glow with shock ..
The blue planet of evil part 39

The blue planet of evil part 39

A Story by wayne1234

After a long night lof listening to the howls of horror we are suddenly awoken by the green demons of horror and taken towards the van of doom. All of..
The blue planet of evil part 38

The blue planet of evil part 38

A Story by wayne1234

Our eyes glow with shock while the turbo van of evil spins through the purple mountains of evil towards a small village in the distance. Once at this ..