wayne1234 : Writing

The blue planet of evil part 69

The blue planet of evil part 69

A Story by wayne1234

The native American vampires glare at our throats of capture while the orange sun beats down upon our minds of mercy. We look on with shock and horror..
The blue planet of evil part 68

The blue planet of evil part 68

A Story by wayne1234

Our eyes then look towards a large flowing fire of evil in the dark corner of terror while the skeletons dance in anger. All of a sudden the hooded de..
The blue planet of evil part 67

The blue planet of evil part 67

A Story by wayne1234

once in the dark building of horror our eyes open wide with shock at large dome window pointing down at our bodies of shock. The skeletons scream in t..
The blue planet of evil part 64

The blue planet of evil part 64

A Story by wayne1234

We glare upon the underground light of horror while our minds are pulled down the cold street of horror towards the clutches of evil pleasure. The ske..
The blue planet of evil part 63

The blue planet of evil part 63

A Story by wayne1234

Our bodies are dragged deeper down the cold tunnels of horror until we become caught in a light of mystery below ground. The skeletons then glare at o..
The blue planet of evil part 62

The blue planet of evil part 62

A Story by wayne1234

The cloaked golden ghosts then walk out from the carriages of horror and stand near our shocked bodies of torture. A wicked looking dark clocked creat..
The blue planet of evil part 61

The blue planet of evil part 61

A Story by wayne1234

We then sit in the pub of horrors while the curtains flow in the misty cold of winter, Our eyes suddenly turn towards the door when a gust of winds bl..
The blue planet of evil part 60

The blue planet of evil part 60

A Story by wayne1234

All of a sudden the bar door suddenly opens and a grey mist begins to flow onto our shocked bodies of mercy while the creatures scream in the pub of h..
The blue planet of evil part 59

The blue planet of evil part 59

A Story by wayne1234

The Victorian creatures look deep inside our eyes of horror while they walk along the path of evil towards our bodies of torture. I hold a shocked lui..
The blue planet of evil part 57

The blue planet of evil part 57

A Story by wayne1234

We look around the old large rooms of horror before seeing a large golden door of mystery flashing about our eyes of horrors. A shocked silver prince ..