Our army try and pull at the bars of horror but the creatures push our hands back inside the evil room of capture. All of a sudden the silver prince s..
Our eyes then glow with shock when the music suddenly goes down and the light flicker off into the darkness of horrors. At that moment we all look aro..
The humans of torture try to escape but the vampire pull their bodies towards the centre of the dance of horrors. Our eyes then glow with anger while ..
The music gets louder and louder while our bodies are taken towards the dance floor of horrors and creatures look on with eyes of evil torture. Once a..
At that moment dark suited creatures appear out side the pub of horrors and slowly opens its door while we look around with shock. The vampire creatur..
At that moment the music of horror stops and the evil vampires crowd around their table of horrors watching the the small stage of terror. I hold a sh..
All of a sudden the light flash a dark horror and the creatures sit down on dark chairs of horror looking at the small stage of terror. our glow with ..
The vampires street rumbles in the darken light of horrors while we huddle in the corner of capture while the creatures flow out. I hold a shocked lui..
At that extreme moment of horror the cold dark vampires of evil slowly walk towards our jail of capture and open it with their claws of torture. We st..
All of a sudden the vampire team of horrors begin to come back from the tunnel of terror and approach our bodies of shock with anger and hate while we..