wayne1234 : Writing

The blue planet of evil part 37

The blue planet of evil part 37

A Story by wayne1234

The sounds of horror hit our minds louder and louder while the yellow demons start t touch our scared bodies of mercy and horror. At that moment the r..
The blue planet of evil part 36

The blue planet of evil part 36

A Story by wayne1234

After the lights our body's are dragged from the arena of horror and back towards city of evil demons. Our eyes look round with torture while the demo..
The blue planet of evil part 35

The blue planet of evil part 35

A Story by wayne1234

The demons scream and shout while the lights flash out in madness of horror at our shocked bodies of mercy. All of a sudden the demons scream in delig..
The blue planet of evil part 34

The blue planet of evil part 34

A Story by wayne1234

The skeletons drag us towards a large glowing red arena of evil while we tremble with shock and horror across our faces of torture. Our eyes glow with..
The blue planet of evil part 33

The blue planet of evil part 33

A Story by wayne1234

We sit in this cage of horror wondering what will happen to our bodies of mercy while the demons stand outside the cruel exterior. Our eyes glow with ..
The blue planet of evil part 32

The blue planet of evil part 32

A Story by wayne1234

The large gate of horror shuts and our scared bodies are trapped inside the prison of terror. The evil brown demons then lookat our trembling heads wh..
The blue planet of evil part 31

The blue planet of evil part 31

A Story by wayne1234

We are dragged up the branches of horror by the brown demons while howls of horror ring down form above our minds. Our eyes glow with shock while we g..
The blue planet of evil part 30

The blue planet of evil part 30

A Story by wayne1234

The spiked robed creatures begin to walk towards our body's of capture before standing with evil upon their red eyes of horror. We look with disgust a..
The blue planet of evil part 29

The blue planet of evil part 29

A Story by wayne1234

Our eyes look towards an island of horror while the zombie headed sharks begin to glare at our bodies of mercy. All of a sudden the horses notices a l..
The blue planet of evil part 28

The blue planet of evil part 28

A Story by wayne1234

We run towards our rollercoaster of evil while it begins to move along the tracks of evil towards the mountains from hell. The green bears then spot o..