wayne1234 : Writing

The blue planet of evil part 56

The blue planet of evil part 56

A Story by wayne1234

The roman army of evil torture then pull our bodies towards a large palace of pleasure with songs burning out deep tunes in midst of blue maze. Our ey..
The blue planet of evil part 55

The blue planet of evil part 55

A Story by wayne1234

The carriage of horrors pulls our bodies of mercy up towards the cold city walls of of horror. Our body's shake with terror while the chants of anger ..
The blue planet of evil part 54

The blue planet of evil part 54

A Story by wayne1234

After running down the long dark subway of evil horrors we suddenly spot another ladder of mystery in the distance. The horses this time ride over to ..
The blue planet of evil part 53

The blue planet of evil part 53

A Story by wayne1234

The bang gets louder while the blue mist begins to run under the golden door of safety. Our look on in horror while the door suddenly begins to burst ..
The blue planet of evil part 52

The blue planet of evil part 52

A Story by wayne1234

Once inside the house of horrors the evil aliens begin to walk towards a large golden door of mystery whilst we look on in shock. A shocked silver pri..
The blue planet of evil part 51

The blue planet of evil part 51

A Story by wayne1234

Our bodies walk around this new found city of mystery while the blue aliens walk us towards a large building in the distance. We all glare at building..
The blue planet of evil part 50

The blue planet of evil part 50

A Story by wayne1234

All of a sudden the aliens drag us from the large airport of horrors towards the road of evil and stand looking at our terrified bodies of mercy. At t..
The blue planet of evil part 49

The blue planet of evil part 49

A Story by wayne1234

At that moment our bodies of shock are dragged into the airport of horrors where wolfmen and evil alien creatures are stood in a line of horror waitin..
The blue planet of evil part 48

The blue planet of evil part 48

A Story by wayne1234

All of a sudden the air goes blue with horror while the ship suddenly lands on a city of mystery. Our eyes glow with horror while craft stands still w..
The blue planet of evil part 47

The blue planet of evil part 47

A Story by wayne1234

The craft fly's around the red sky of horror before setting a course along the purple hills of mystery. Our eyes of terror look around the ships exter..