Sexual Story.
A dream, A dream
I awaken on a wagon with my legs and arms all tied together
by rope, three Nords around me the one in front of me wearing a blue cloth over
top a c..
"When we understand the events that occur to us, the
events become history. History is understanding. Otherwise we are all just dumb
animals try..
The most naturally talented warriors inTamriel, the
dark skinned, wiry haired Redguards of Hammerfell seem born to battle, though
their pride and fi..
Join a young Imperial, Caius, as he journeys through Skyrim trying to survive from an evil World-eating Dragon, Alduin, tries to take his life, and pl..
In a car, three hour drive. We are heading home, from a weekend in Ocean City. The destination is Baltimore, so much boredom on the way back. I lay my..
Just some more psycho s**t, I will just bleed these words onto my carpet. The knife, stabbed into the desk. I continuously stare at it. Debatable to t..
He is an angel
She is as well
She wants him
He wants truth
Her wings
As white as snow
His left wing
Similiar as it
But his right
As black as ..
is what is is