"But if you don't let them in, how can they love you? How can they expect a true happy ending if you set yourself up for failure by hiding?" she asked..
Something is wrong with my bodyI will yet, even still,work myself to the bonefor those I love.Three course dinners, housework, child work,pet work, em..
i've missed you, dear readers.
A Story by Riley
These are about my struggles in adolescence. They are not pretty, and may be potentially triggering. It's also not meant to be a smooth flowing write...
You may be big
But you are not less
What were you wearing?
You should've given what he wanted
There's no way he would've done that
You're a liar
You're a liar
You're a liar
That's ..
Look in the bottom of the glass, drown in the selfish need to forget.
Cry me a river to float yourself down to the edge of where you'll crash and b..
In the way your heart mimics
the breaths fogging our minds like clouds with smoke,
we find our way lost
in a whole other part of fear;
Are we in love
Or do we lay in lies
I can’t see my hand in my face
Everything is anything but
I don’t want to close my eyes
And ..
Every squeeze
On my wrist
Bullet to the chest
Every justification
Any one could mumble
It’s just a phase.
Every yell