walker : Writing

haunted by a nightmare

haunted by a nightmare

A Story by walker

I haven’t seen the nightmare here, after being so tortured i’ve become numb to its voice, to its touch, to the sight of itThen once when I..
Extinguished by light...

Extinguished by light...

A Story by walker

Swings stand alone under a gray sky, destroyed by flames, and motionless except for a seat. Slowly moving, with a bouquet of white petals sitting on i..
i miss you...

i miss you...

A Poem by walker

You feel a light caress on your shoulder while your in solitude,You turn and nothing is there.You feel a sweet warmth in your hand,you squeeze and not..
a war

a war

A Story by walker

Against a crimson sky a column of smoke looms above the city's flames. Families slaughtered in front of the men as they are put in shackles....A man w..


A Story by walker

if you ever have seen the play "the case of alex hansen" about a week after this came into my head.
this is for her....

this is for her....

A Poem by walker

"with tears flowing from covered eyes warm embraces swallow you. your friends sweet hugs form a light smile, as they whisper "i'm here to help" and al..
because i'm a ghost...

because i'm a ghost...

A Story by walker

its about a ghost... who misses that one who was super special...

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